

Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor


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The Webmaster is trying to recover the data. At this point, we do not have a mailing list and that is the reason subscribers have not received an email copy of The Christian Recorder. The Christian Recorder is, and will continue to be, posted on www.the-christian-recorder.org . If the recovery effort is not successful, we will have to create a new mailing list and unfortunately subscribers will have to sign up again if they want to receive The Christian Recorder Online via email. Otherwise, individuals will have to access The Christian Recorder from the Website. I ask you disseminate this information. I am hopeful that this situation will be resolved.
And the more distressing thing for me is that, without the mailing list, we are unable to notify the subscribers of the problem.


Shuttle's down safely. Welcome back, Stephanie, our A.M.E. Astronaut! There is nothing like a bunch of A.M.E. prayers.

Jeanette T. Johns


From: Mrs. Cynthia Todd, Executive Assistant to the Reverend Dr. Frank M. Reid, III, pastor of Bethel AME Church, Baltimore, Maryland.

On Monday, July 17, 2006, Dr. Frank Madison Reid, III Pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church located at 1300 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland under went open heart surgery. "We Praise God", the surgery was a success."

Dr. Reid is resting quietly.

Dr. Frank Madison Reid, Lady Marlaa and the Reid family are grateful for the many prayers offered to God on their behalf.

Get well wishes may be sent to:

Dr. Frank Madison Reid, III
Bethel AME Church1300 Druid Hill Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217
Telephone: 410-523-4273 PHONE


Official Statement

North Charleston, S.C. – On Monday June 26, 2006, Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, the presiding Bishop of the Seventh Episcopal District, was invested as President of the AME Church’s global Council of Bishops. As one of his first duties as President, Bishop Williams has offered the following statement as a general agenda for the connectional AME Church in 2006-2007.

“As the first African American church to establish a separate denomination, to create an entrepreneur self-help enterprise, to forge a beach head in Africa and to build its own theological seminary, the African Methodist Episcopal Church has always stood at the fore front of liberation theology and remains faithfully committed to the core values upon which the institution was founded over two hundred years ago. Some of those fundamental principles are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and set free those who live within the confines of degradation, poverty and disease. Therefore, our local, national and global agenda will remain centered on assisting those communities who are most in need.

Yet, to achieve those ends, the AME Church will need a Post-Modern Theology to shape a new wisdom for this new millennium. We must re-examine the old text, for the current social and cultural transition will require a new context. This is the time to seize new opportunities and to envision bold and prophetic new visions and missions. For instance, the AME Church will seek to expand its global membership through outreach beyond our traditional growth strategy. God is not calling us merely to add land and buildings to our Zion, but more importantly to bring more souls to Christ. This evangelical work is needed not only throughout the continents of North and South America, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean, but in Brazil, Korea, Mexico, Cuba and the Middle East where people are experiencing an upsurge in religious fervor. AME Church growth must not only be about the mainstream, but also about going into the hedges, hamlets, homeless shelters and harlot havens to proclaim a gospel that saves and liberates.

The AME church will continue to promote family values, health care assistance, and an increased awareness of global warming. A keen eye will be kept on the continent of Africa, particularly the senseless suffering and death in the Sudan, as well as all other areas throughout the world where oppression and injustice have taken hold.

This year and always the AME Church is resolved to uphold its deepest value of family, freedom and faith.”

Bishop Preston Warren Williams II
President of the Council of Bishops

Submitted by:
Benjamin HarrisonPublic Relations Director
7th District AME Church
Tel 803.935.0500
Cell 803.528.7104HarrisonAMEMedia@aol.com


Indianapolis—The Reverend Paulette Sankofa, an ordained deacon with the St. Paul/Minneapolis District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, joins Christian Theological Seminary as Associate Academic Dean and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program.

Sankofa earned her doctorate of education in critical pedagogy in 2004 from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. She also has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in international relations from Webster University, as well as a master of divinity from Eden Theological Seminary.

She has served as a consultant on dismantling racism, diversity, inclusivity and cultural competency, and implemented the first national Womanist Convening in 2005, gathering Womanists from across the United States. While at CTS Sankofa hopes to continue her research project: The Sankofa Project Education and Fostering of Resilience in African American Adolescent Girls, which she started while serving as an assistant professor and scholar in residence for the Centers of Excellence at the College of St. Catherine in Minneapolis. Her other interests include looking at different forms of women’s theology and encouraging dialogue between different groups, and the theology of hip hop/post soul culture.

CTS is a fully accredited ecumenical seminary and is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). It offers eight graduate-level degree programs, including theology, ministry and counseling, with specializations in ministries that emphasize the arts and programs for life-long learning. More than 40 denominations are represented among faculty and students.


The Rev. Wilfred D. Lewis

The Annual Conference in the African Methodist Episcopal Church is a time of accountability and the reporting of accomplishments by Presiding Elders and pastors. Presiding Elders give a comprehensive report for their districts, and pastors' report for their local churches.

Each pastoral report lifts up the challenges and opportunities confronted during the conference year. The reports include conversions, accessions, general budget payments, total subscriptions to periodicals, total monies brought to the conference, and total monies raised by each church during the conference year. Additionally, each pastor has an opportunity to share brief highlights of the work accomplished during the year.

The Presiding Prelate of an Annual Conference listens to all reports, and it is within his or her godly judgment to assign or re-assign pastors to pastoral charges at the conclusion of the Annual Conference.

The 190th session of the Philadelphia Annual Conference convened on Wednesday 17th May, 2006 at the fashionable Mt. Pisgah African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC), 41st and Springgarden Streets in Philadelphia. The Rev. Jay Broadnax served as the very affable host, and he and his staff saw that every requirement was in place.

The opening session was held at the spacious and commodious facility of First District Plaza, our Headquarters building at 38 and Markets Streets.

Bishop Richard Franklin Norris called the conference to order at 8 a.m. He presided over the roll call of clergy and delegates. The conference was officially organized and the boundaries of the annual conference were established. Bishop Norris is to be highly commended for his forthrightness, his skillfulness, his sagacity, and experience in ministry that he brought in presiding over the very complex matters of this conference. It was intimated that when the final history of the Bishops of the AMEC is written, Bishop Norris would be right next to Richard Allen, the founder of our Zion.

The worship service began at 10 a.m. The clergy processional was one of pomp and pageantry. Four Presiding Elder Districts processed with their individual flags and appropriate identifying insignia.

In succession the Philadelphia District, The South District, the Harrisburg District, and the West District processed into the worship hall.

The Host pastor, The Rev. Jay Broadnax led in the Call to Worship, and the traditional selection, "And Are We Yet Alive," was lined by the Rev. Calvin Jackson. The Faith Dance Ministry of Mt. Pisgah led by first lady, Mrs. Jay Broadnax, who performed a riveting dance selection lifting up the, "Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ." Mt. Pisgah's choir led in several joyful and spirited gospel selections during this worship experience. There was dancing and praise and shouting to an Almighty and Omnipotent God.

Bishop Norris paused the proceedings of the worship service to introduce the visiting Governor Ed Rendell of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Governor indicated that he came by to visit our bishop and this conference to discuss his accomplishments since he took office. He was proud of his health care programs, his concern for the elderly, his housing initiatives, his education initiatives and much more. He spoke about raising the minimum wage from $5 dollars per hour to $7 dollars per hour. The Governor then asked the conference attendees who are voters to return him in the upcoming elections for another four years.

Bishop Norris introduced the selected preacher to deliver the annual sermon. The Rev. Ellis Ishmael Washington, the pastor of St. Matthew AMEC, 57th and Sumner Streets in Philadelphia was presented as a very progressive and acceptable pastor who was charged with this awesome responsibility. Rev. Washington took his text from 2 Corinthians 11:21-29 (NRSV). His subject was, "Bragging Rights." He preached a powerful and insightful message. He asked the question, "What are we bragging about?" "Are we bragging about our converts, our accessions, the programs we have, or how much money we have raised. Rev. Washington posited that Paul, the apostle bragged about his misfortune, his disappointments, his shipwrecks, his being stoned and whipped; and his persecutions by strangers as well as false brethren. In a culture of bragging, God's call to the church is to emulate the humility of Jesus Christ."

The Board of Examiners led by the capable the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey N. Leath and his committee presented ministerial candidates beginning with those admitted on Trial to those who had completed the 4th year studies. Their years of study were acknowledged and appropriate recommendations were made.

The following persons were recommended to be elected and ordained Itinerant Elders: Lisa Ruby Cross, Stacy Jones Anderson, Frank I. Smart and Anthony Stevens.

Local Deacons: Sylvia Diggs, Henrietta Jacqui Ferguson, Ray Jenkins.

Local Elders; Lillie Grace Battle, Carlos Bounds, C. Victoria Brown, Tyneisha C. Drennen, Kevin Wardlaw and Collen Burke.

Local Elders: William c. Burger, Nikkea Hardy, Lillie B. McMuillen and Sylvia Williams.

Deaconesses: Lucille Goldsmith, Elizabeth Greten, Perrell Harp, Louise Lee Chappelle and Betsy Miller.

During the Wednesday evening ordination service; Bishop Wilfred Messiah, Presiding Bishop of the 20th Episcopal District preached a powerful ordination sermon. Bishop Messiah took his text form Judges 16. His subject was, "Like Any Other Man or Woman." What a magnificent word! The Bishop related the story of Samson and Delilah. He reminded us to stay far away from the pleasures and the women of the Philistines, if we don't want to be like any other man or woman.

The Hour of Power message on Thursday was delivered by the Rev. John F. White, pastor of Mt. Hermon AMEC., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He took his text from Acts 16:16-38. His subject was, "How Do You Handle Your Midnights." This was also a very powerful Word.

At the Friday Hour of Power, the Rev. Darnell Montgomery, Pastor of Metropolitan AMEC, New York City preached a powerful message. His text was taken from 1 Samuel 17:1-11. His subject was. "You are Not Looking High Enough." This message was thought-provoking.

Bishop Norris recognized the presence of certain official visitors during the week. The AMEC in Philadelphia has an ongoing relationship with the Lutheran Theological Seminary (UTI) program and it is reported that we have the largest student body of all churches at the seminary. The President of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Dr. Philip Craig, addressed the conference. Also accompanying the President was Dr. Andrew Willey and Dr. Steven Ray.

Youth Night at the conference is an exciting and stimulating experience. Youth from all over the expanse of the Philadelphia conference attended in large numbers. The youth choir was greatly comprised of the youth from the churches of the Harrisburg District. They were led by musical director, the Rev. Linwood Smith.

Youth of The Year contestants were presented. They were all very creative as they extemporized on the First District theme, "Walking Worthy of The Calling Wherewith We Are Called." (Eph. 4:1)

The contestants were: Dave Vance, Philadelphia District; Glen Burg, West District; Portia Washington, South District; Amber N. Mills, Harrisburg District.

Amber N. Mills was the winner of the Philadelphia Youth of The Year contest, and she will represent the Philadelphia conference during the contest at the Christian Education Congress in Dover, Delaware.

On Saturday morning, for the first time in the history of the Philadelphia Annual Conference, all clergy persons were mandated by Bishop Norris as per the 2004 Book of Discipline to attend a sexual misconduct workshop. The workshop was mandatory.

The workshop was conducted by Sheila Vance, Esq., and Robert Vance, Jr., Esq., from Villanova University Law School. This was a paradigm shift in dealing with sexual matters and behavior among clergy. Lawsuits can be brought not only against that pastor and the local church, but against the presiding bishop and the general church.

The presenters were very informative and the session elicited many questions. Now each pastor is charged with the responsibility of sensitizing officers of these very explosive issues, and providing a means of training for all those who work with children in the local setting.

This great Annual conference closed out on Sunday 21st May, 2006 3 p.m. at Tindley Temple United Methodist Church. This large cavernous church edifice was filled to capacity with congregants who had come from far and near. The Conference choir provided jubilant and majestic music. Bishop Norris acknowledged the significance and importance of Historic Tindley Temple--the House that Dr. Tindley built. Our bishop led us in honoring the memory of Dr. Tindley and his contributions to Christendom by the congregational singing of three of his hymn compositions: "When the Storms of Life Are Raging," and ”If The World From You Withhold…" The final selection,
"Beams of Heaven," was sung by the Rev. Charles Wood. This was indeed a melodious moving experience.

Bishop Norris had invited the Right Reverend Vinton R. Anderson, retired bishop to preach the closing message. Bishop Anderson took his text from Romans 8:28. His subject was "God Is Working It Out." Bishop Anderson said, "It does not matter where you are going after the appointments today. Just wait on the Lord. Let's be perfect in faith, let's love one another. In spite of our frightful behavior; God has planted a divine spark in each of us. Divine purpose is at the center of God's intention. The Holy Spirit will show us how to lead like Jesus.” We were indeed blessed and our hearts were strangely warmed as Bishop Anderson spoke with us by the way.

Following the giving of certificates to Conference Officers, and the reading of the pastoral appointments by Bishop Norris; this great conference was concluded and the benediction pronounced.


The Rev. Wilfred D. Lewis

The First District Planning meeting was held at the Greater Allen African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Cathedral, NY in June.

The proceedings were held under the District theme, "Walking Worthy of The Calling with Which We Are Called."

The Opening Worship service on Thursday June 8th began at 7 pm. , The Rev. Malcolm Eve, presiding elder of Bermuda served as the Worship Leader.

The Host Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Floyd Flake gave the Call to Worship, and the Rev. Richard Stenhouse lined the Opening Hymn of Praise, "Let All the People Praise Thee."

The Invocation was given by the Rev. Roland C. McCall of Grant AMEC, Boston.

Magnificent and majestic choral elections were rendered by the massive choir of Allen Cathedral. The Rev. Robert Lowe and his choirs led in a season of praise.

Bishop Norris presented the guest preacher for this opening service in the person of the Rt. Rev. John Richard Bryant, Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District.

Following the sermonic selection, "Showers of Blessings," Bishop Bryant approached the pulpit and employing the appropriate protocol greeted the congregation.

Bishop Bryant took his text from 2 Samuel 5:9, and preached form the subject, "Help Is Available." The Bishop talked about the false standards and values Hollywood and the entertainment industry has foisted on our unsuspecting youth culture. For instance giving a best song award of the year to a silly ditty entitled, "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp." Bishop Bryant also spoke about the actors Denzel Washington and Halle Berry, who received best actor and actress Oscar Awards respectively for roles that are objectionable for us in the Black community. Those negative roles are given a place so that our youth can emulate that lifestyle. Bishop Bryant countered, “It’s hard out here to be a leader of your family and raise sane kids. It's hard out here to be a man and put food on the table. It's hard out here to be a pastor, and lead people to levels of excellence." Indeed this was a great message delivered in the typical Bishop John Bryant style.

This writer would like to state that the entire Planning Session was educational, informative and strategic. Every component of the First district met, and at the designated times gave reports to the entire assembly. The components included: The Y.P.D., Church School, WMS, Lay Organization, Sons of Allen, Women In Ministry, Young Adult Network, Christian Education, Evangelism Department, and Self-Help Board etc...

On the Friday June 9th 2006, the morning session was led in a stimulating devotional period by The Department of Evangelism let by the Director, The Rev. D. Albert Turk. At 10 am, Bishop Norris took his place and gave the State of The District Address entitled, “The Way Forward"


Dr. Michael C. Carson and the Reverend Bobette Hampton

During April 15-17, 2006 at Mount Zion A.M.E. Church in Battle Creek, Michigan Host Presiding Elder Norman V. Osborne set a “rich table” for all who were in attendance to “dine” from. The theme was “Be a Blessing.” The tee shirts had a Bee on them. This was based on the Beatitudes.

There was teaching, preaching and worship, pageantry, and time for contemplative thought. This column is but a brief sharing from such a wonderful meeting.

On Monday evening the “Soaring” South Michigan District Conference opened up with a major worship service. Presiding Elder and Mrs. Harold C. Huggins and Presiding Elder Delano Bowman along with a host of guests were in attendance.

The host choir sang to the glory of God along with the Mass Choir from Union Memorial A.M.E. Church-Benton Harbor, Michigan. Union Memorial’s Distinguished Lady Evangelist Catherine L. Carson rendered the selection prior to Senior Bishop Philip R. Cousin’s stirring message entitled “Narrow Margins.” His text was Genesis 15:5.

After the sermon and Invitation to Christian Discipleship, the Michigan Board of Examiners’ Chairman, the Reverend Michael Cousin presided over the service of Ordination for the Local Ministry and the Consecration of a Deaconess.

Presiding Elder Norman V. Osborne opened up the Tuesday Morning session by presenting South District Administrative Assistant Betty Tuggle. Sister Tuggle called the roll of the Pastors, Delegates, W.M.S. Presidents, and Lay Presidents.

Dr. Michael C. Carson was nominated and elected Secretary for the Conference and Pastor Bobette Hampton was nominated and elected Assistant Secretary for the Convention.

Elder Osborne presented Reverend Donald Phillips, Dr. Michael C. Carson, and Reverend Neal Smith, III as new pastors in the South District. These pastors had an opportunity to greet the Conference.

Elder Osborne shared that he should be viewed as the South District’s “Utility Man.” When a pastor is ill or some major situation occurs he will come and preach. He will “stand in the gap.” Elder Osborne shared that he will also serve as the South District’s resource person.

Fourth Episcopal District Accountant Presiding Elder Thomas M. Hughes spoke on the Annuity Program. He shared a great deal of information.

Senior Bishop Philip R. Cousin, Sr. commended Presiding Elder Osborne for being “A great preacher, theologian, administrator, pastor, and Presiding Elder.” Bishop expressed this thanks for having the opportunity to dialogue with the conference.

Bishop Cousin shared some timely teachings for the conference. Among the many points that Bishop made, he shared that many problems in the church are because of “a lack of communication.” “In some cases worship services have become good noise.” He cited that there are times should someone be asked about the worship service he/she attended the reply might be “I’m not sure what he/she said but it sure sounded good.”

Bishop stated that “it’s not always how fast you are in the ministry but how steady you are.” He commented “The A.M.E. Church is at the crossroads and there are some major decisions that we will have to make. We must bridge the gap between the young and the old there is too much division.”

Bishop pointed out that “We must become more focused and concerned on evangelism, teaching, and tithing.” He lamented that many state “I used to be A.M.E.” Bishop lifted up that it should not be “how much I am saved, but how I can save someone else. It’s not what we used to have. It’s what we have right now that will make the difference.”

After Bishop Cousin’s comments, Presiding Elder Osborne commended Bishop for his “rich sharing” with the conference.

The other preachers during the conference proclaiming the word were Pastor Gearldine Richardson from the Original Church of God, Battle Creek, Michigan and Pastor Addis Moore of The Mount Zion M. B. Church in Battle Creek, Michigan. Mount Zion’s choir also sang.

Bishop Robert Thomas, Jr. and Mother Beverly A Thomas greeted the Conference. Bishop Thomas shared his love and respect for Elder and Dr. Osborne and how delighted they were to be at the South District Conference.

Dr. Pamela Osborne, Esq., led a presentation on “How to Disagree without Being Disagreeable.” This was an excellent presentation in the area of Conflict Resolution, Negotiations, and the Church. This took into consideration The Cycle of Peace, The Cycle of Conflict, Ethics of Love, Active Listening, The Phases of Mediation, the utility of A Statement of Understanding. Dr. Osborne also pointed out when conflict should be increased and decreased.

Finally Dr. Osborne pointed out the Five Responses to Conflict.” There was an activity that the entire conference took part in concerning how to handle conflict in the church.

Elder Osborne instituted the “Heritage Night Worship Service” commenced. The dress was Afro-centric. He presented the first annual “Soaring Eagle Award” to Dr. Robert Brumfield (Oak Grove), Sister Shirley Brown (Brown Chapel), and Brother Joe Ezell (Highland Park).

During the District Conference Pastor Jerry Hatter taught on “Spiritual Leadership each morning. He also gave a preliminary report on the South District Sunday School Convention to be held June 16-17, 2006 in Kalamazoo, Michigan with Fresh Fire A.M.E. Church serving as the host church under the direction of Pastor Bobette Hampton.

Pastor Barbara Anthony presented the Preachers to the Annual Conference Candidates. Please see the Board of Examiners Report.

Elder Osborne asked for the prayers and condolences for the families of The Late Reverend Julius R. Keys (Benton Harbor, Michigan), and The Late Reverend Charles Owen (Detroit, Michigan). Elder Osborne also lifted up the names of The Late Bishop Harold Senatle, Reverend A. C. Wright, and Reverend Sharon Kennedy Collins.

Reverend Robert Blake presented the Conference Church Growth and Evangelism training schedule for the balance of 2006.

Pastor Alfred E. Johnson asked the pastors and laity to support the East Detroit Ministerial Alliance Revival. Dr. William Watley, Sr. Pastor of the Saint James A.M.E. Church Newark, New Jersey will be the revivalist. Saint Stephen A.M.E. Church (Detroit) will serve as the host church.

The 2007 South District Conference will be hosted by Saint Paul Downtown Detroit, Michigan-Reverend Andre Spivey, Pastor.

Elder Osborne shared that all of the business matters of the conference had been accomplished. He thanked Pastor and Mrs. Amos T. Chester, Mount Zion A.M.E. Church, and the South District for being so supportive. “We go forth praising and serving God with empowerment from the teachings that went forth with gladness in our hearts!”


The Rev Elton Bobb PhD

Mr. Chairman I wish to thank you and the Tobago AIDS Society for your kind invitation, which ushers us here to examine the urgent issue of the Challenges of Men; the declining role of men in community and society. In order to appropriately address this issue, it is imperative for us to identify an acceptable theory in respect of the creation of humankind and his/her consequential role in society. The only place that I am qualified to peruse is the Holy Bible. In drawing reference to the scriptures therefore, I will attempt to evaluate man’s role and responsibility in society over time. Beyond doubt, it is important for us also to evaluate the extent to which man embraced the tenets of those responsibilities over the years and if not, we need to take a critical look at the consequences.

I am fully aware that I might not be addressing a gathering of the same religious persuasion as my own, but in the same breath I make no apology for casting my contribution to this discourse from a biblical perspective because that is the perspective from which my own upbringing has been nurtured and in spite of our varying beliefs and persuasions it is overwhelmingly accurate to say that man has always been expected to take his place as the head of the family and head of the household in almost every society and civilization. Christian doctrine has thought us that man shall be the head of the home as Christ is the head of the church.

Mr. Chairman allow me to further place this discourse into perspective as we focus on the assigned task, the declining role of men in community and society. Edward K. Rowell in his book, Quotes and Idea Starters for Preaching and Teaching, has extracted the following statement from a publication from Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s book entitled Family and Society:

There is one unmistaken lesson in American history; a community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring a stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future-that community asks for what it gets chaos; crime, violence, unrest, disorder-most particularly the furious unrestrained lashing out at the whole social structure-that is not only to be expected that is very near to inevitable.

The writer of the above quoted article posited his hypothesis against the background of the American society and drew his conclusion there from. I want to submit to this gathering today that those expressions mirror our own society in Trinidad and Tobago.

Mr. Chairman I want to put forward my own hypothesis today and it is that:

The structure of our society should be based on the foundation of a firm family design, with the male being the head of the household. The absence of that headship has resulted in the decadence; that is the breakdown in the moral, spiritual and social values that we are experiencing today.

We are taught in the book of Genesis that after God created Adam he declared, it is not good for man to be alone and He created a helpmate named Eve. In spite of your religious grounding, the fact is that the creation story as we know it recognizes the need for companionship and a structured family life. Moreover, Jesus himself declared that a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cling to his wife and the two shall become one. It is imperative to draw upon these references because it is near impossible to address the reasons for the decline in society without recognizing the importance of an established and sacred family structure.

By way of illustration, let us examine some of the issue raised in Rowell’s article and relate it to our own societies and the first component we must examine today is crime. There is a significant correlation between the declining role of men in the homes in this country and by extension, in the Caribbean Region and the escalation of crime and deviant behavior particularly among our youth. Although Rowell’s quote mentioned the escalation of crime in the United States of America, recent statistics suggest that there is a fall in overall criminal activity on that continent but the statistic hastened to add that the overall fall was occasioned by the steep decline in criminal activities in Chicago. Even if we are to agree that there is a decline in respect of the US crime scourge, in our own country crime is on the increase. What is the reason you ask? The answer encompasses the declining role of men in community and in society.

Mr. Chairman, allow me to break down this presentation into three parts for purpose of brevity and in the interest of time. The first component I want us to look at today is crime, violence and unrest. Permit me to encapsulate these three issues into two words, deviant behavior. The second component that I want to briefly address is disorder and within this we will examine the effects of immorality and irresponsible sexual behavior in our community. Finally let us examine rebelliousness, that is, the unrestrained lashing out at the social structure in which we now subsist. Clearly we are setting out to determine the extent to which the declining role of men in communities and society has resulted in deviant behavior, disorder and rebelliousness.


Mr. Chairman the anthropologist Margaret Mead in one of her publications has pointed out that unlike the mother’s role which is biologically based, the role of many fathers has degenerated into that of social creation. She emphasized the point that male dogs and cats have no reproductive importance after their minuscule sexual performance is over. The emergence of a similar male "rolenessness" in the inner cities was becoming apparent some decades ago and is now becoming obvious in the larger cities. The stark reality is that the diminishing "rolenessness" of men particularly fathers in our societies has contributed to crime, violence and unrest.

One needs to understand all of this in terms of its implication for our own society. According to data provided in the UN Demographic Yearbook 1999-2000, in Trinidad and Tobago more than 25% of households are now headed by women. The statistic states further that the rates globally vary from as low as 5% in Kuwait to as high as 40% in Botswana and Barbados. In terms of our own country there is a direct correlation between female heads of households and an increase in the rate of deviant behavior. Based on 1999 figures, the percentage distribution of prisoners was broken down as follows:

(i) Pre trial detainees 29.2%
(ii) Female prisoners 3.1%
(iii) Juveniles/minors and young persons 1.2%

-age group 12-16 10.4%
-age group 17-21 89.6%

According to the Trinidad and Tobago Prison web site, the official prison capacity as at 1999 is 4,348. The occupancy level based on the official capacity in 1999 therefore, shows a 111.9% occupancy or an over capacity of 11.9% while that of 2002 reflects an occupancy rate of 102.3% and an overcapacity of 2.3%. It is important to reflect on these statistics Mr. Chairman. The recent Gender Affairs Study conducted by researchers at the UWI points to the fact that of the entire prison population in 2002, 98% were males and 2% were females. Moreover according to the statistic 97% of the inmates belonged to the lower socio economic category.


In terms of disorder, for purposes of this morning’s discourse, I want us to focus on primarily health related issues and specifically on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Let me state categorically that immorality and promiscuity are acts of disorder and these have lead to a significant threat to the health and wellness of our society. AIDS is now a reality in every village and town in our nation and we have been assuming away this issue for much too long. The National Strategic Plan and the activities of the NACC initiatives which are managed and directed out of the Prime Minister’s office are laudable. For those of you who are not familiar with the objectives of the Strategic Plan it is designed to address the following:

(i) Prevention of the spread of the disease;
(ii) Care treatment and support;
(iii) Research and surveillance;
(iv) Advocacy and legislation; and
(v) Monitoring and evaluation.

The stark reality is this; the heightened level of irresponsibility of men in community and society has contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS within our communities to the extent where the most vulnerable group according to some statisticians is between the ages of 15 and 50. It will be critical therefore, for us to discuss the impact of the spread of this disease on the socio-economic wellbeing of our island during our plenary sessions. Permit me to touch briefly on the effects of this hidden epidemic in Trinidad and Tobago by quoting from a paper presented at a workshop which I attended in February of this year. This quote comes from a renowned and devoted expert in the field who provides care and treatment in San Fernando:

We know that there are about 28,000 persons in Trinidad and Tobago with the disease, yet the MRF has about 2000 patients on ARVs and in San Fernando we have 300 persons on ARVs. Why are there 25,000 plus patients not on treatment even though it is offered free of charge?

Mr. Chairman I can provide you with some information about HPV and its devastating effects on the communities in the United States of America but that probably requires another session or we can more appropriately this issue at the plenary session of this Forum.


As we walk or drive around our community these days Mr. Chairman there seems to be an escalation in terms of rebelliousness. There is scant or no respect for law and order. Profane language is used by almost every age group within this society with impunity. There is the absence of good manners, the absence of basic values such as good morning and good day, a rushing past adults and disabled folk in a bid to get to the head of the line at Banks and other institutions. The list is almost inexhaustible.

In the homes, many parents, particularly female heads of household are being pressured to purchase DVD machines, X-men, cellular phones that can take pictures and designer clothes and shoes by their teenage children. The absence or failure to provide these unessential items results in further rebellion and abuse particularly of female heads of households by their children (particularly boys). This abuse persists while some irresponsible fathers continue to weave their devious web of irresponsibility and macho image, resulting in the proliferation of children out of wedlock and the consequential absence of proper parental guidance.

In closing Mr. Chairman I wish to submit that the solution lies in men returning to the family structure and their urgent resumption of the role fathers, mentors and home providers. In all of this, the spiritual component must not be ignored. It is important to provide nourishment for the soul as it is important to provide food for the body. Let us not assume away the importance of ordered family prayers, with the male as the leader in the homes. Let us not trivialize the importance of attending church or religious institutions with the male as the leader, who takes the whole family to worship. Let us return to the bible and the other religious books where the laws for social success are appropriately enshrined.

The consequences will be the reduction of expenditure on bail bonds, legal fees and medical fees on communicable diseases. We will stem the wanton spread of the STD epidemic occasioned largely by promiscuity and immorality as we provide proper mentoring and guider-ship to our children. Consequently our communities will return to the serene, morally sound and spiritually acceptable entities that they once were. Ultimately we will be restored to a better world for you and for me.


By Brother Alphonso Ben Varner

Ms. Mary Riley, an active member of St. Peter A.M.E. Church, Fort Valley, Georgia won the 2006 Georgia Women's Golf Association Individual Championship.

The golf tournament was held at St. Simons Island, Georgia May 9, 2006 at the Sea Palms Golf and Tennis Resort and the Hampton Golf Club.

This was her first state title and the first African American female golfer to ever win this championship in its 42 year history. The field comprised of 223 of the top senior women golfers in the State of Georgia. She fired a two-day total of 156 to win by one stroke.

The family of St. Peter congratulates Ms. Riley for her outstanding accomplishments.

Reverend Bertram C. Smith


Gwen Morris

The Women’s Missionary Society of the Fifth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church will hold its Sisterhood Explosion – OSUSU ’06 Conference July 14-16. The Conference will be held at the Embassy Suites-LAX North, 9801 Airport Boulevard. A registration fee of $100 per person includes the conference packet and materials, breakfasts and workshop snacks and a special Sunday Brunch. Room reservations at a cost of $115 per night may be made by calling 1-800-362-2779. Hotel parking is available for $11 per day per vehicle. Please specify OSUSU Group Name: 5th District AME when making your reservation.

In 2000, Rev. Cecelia Williams Bryant, Episcopal Supervisor of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Fifth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church organized the OSUSU (Women Creating Wealth) Campaign. OSUSU is a holistic opportunity for the African American woman to eliminate all forms of poverty from their lives: Poverty of Spirit, Health, Purpose, Courage, and Witness. Every woman attending the OSUSU Sisterhood Explosion will have an opportunity to accept the responsibility for making the decision that will set her upon the path of holistic healing, which is the foundation of OSUSU. This represents a continuation of her commitment to eliminate poverty from the lives of women and children. Financial literacy, debt elimination, home ownership, from welfare to work, investment and global possibilities anchor this movement. The NaMayo principal of OSUSU, “Women Creating Wealth”, is “Owe No One.”

The Conference begins at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 14, with an outing to the Garment District. Prior registration is required for the Garment District outing. Official registration begins at 3:00 p.m. on Friday. A “Ladies Night at the Apollo”, a time for conference attendees to showcase their talents and gifts, will be presented at 7:00 p.m.

Exciting workshops are planned to equip the African American woman to accept the responsibility for making the decision that will set her upon the path of holistic healing, which is the foundation of OSUSU.

Workshop topics and presenters include: “Personal Finance” – Ms. Joy Milan, J.D., “Career Management” – Rev. Gayle Davis Culp, “A Healthy You” – Ms. Patricia Barnes, R.D., “Sisterhood” – Dr. Joel Martin, “Entrepreneurship” – Ms. Darisa Crawford, “Spiritual Leadership” – Rev. Najuma Smith, “Tea Time With God” – Rev. Jerrye Gray Champion, Director, and “Male/Female Relationships: Sometimes We Carry Our Baggage With Us” – Dr. Carmela Washington-Harvey.

On Sunday, July 16, a breakfast beginning at 8:00 a.m. and Worship Service beginning at 10:00 a.m. will close out the Conference. Dr. Thelma Bryant Davis, daughter of Bishop and Mrs. John R. Bryant, Episcopal leaders of the Fifth Episcopal District, will present a spiritual dance. Dr. Bryant Davis is a trained dancer and actress. Mrs. Rosalyn Brookins, former Episcopal Supervisor of the 13th Episcopal District, will address the Worship Service.

For further information, please call 310-532-5290.


The Hampton Minister’s Conference is more than excellent preaching and outstanding anointed teaching. The AME fellowship is enough to mark calendars and schedules for next year. Hampton, Virginia is located in the Second Episcopal District under the anointed leadership of our Prelate, Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson and his most capable spouse Episcopal Supervisor Mrs. Connie Speights Richardson.

Bishop Richardson presided at the luncheon and presented the dais. Remarks were given by Bishop William DeVeaux of the 6th District; Bishop Vashti McKenzie of the 13th; and Bishop Sarah Davis of the 18th District. Other leaders from other denominations joined in the fellowships. The food was outstanding, but fellowship was greater.

For many years the Rev. Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III served as coordinator of the AME luncheon held during the week of the Hampton’s Minister’s Conference. We salute and thank Editor Sydnor for his past labors of love. After being elected as Editor of the Christian Recorder, he and his wife, the Rev. Charlotte B. Sydnor relocated to Nashville, Tennessee (13th Episcopal District) to serve the Church in their respective duties.

The mantle for coordinating the luncheon was passed on the Rev. Andre Pierre Jefferson, esteemed pastor at Bethel A.M.E. in Hampton. Pastor Jefferson not only served as conduit and host. Pastor Jefferson went beyond the call of the duty. WE salute Pastor Jefferson and the members of Bethel, Hampton for a job well done.

Editor’s note: The Reverend Andre Jefferson indeed carried the AME Luncheon to a higher level.


*Lynette Hawkins

Add a Personal Touch to the Parking Lot

Does your church have greeters in the parking lot? Your congregation may already provide welcoming, friendly ushers and greeters at the entrance, hallways and fellowship hall but don't stop. Add greeters to the parking lot. The people in this area could be the very first point of contact worship guests experience when they drive up to the church. That's why the church parking lot can be a powerful evangelism tool. If you have never thought about it before, parking lots matter.

Regardless of how many visitors you get on a Sunday, the parking lot should always be hosted by one or more friendly greeters. Recently, I visited an early morning worship service at a medium sized church. The parking lot had no signs and I was not sure how to locate the sanctuary entrance. I drove up. Found a parking space on the third row and began my walk to the building. Two choir members were in a hurry running late to the side door. No one else was there. I stood at the three doors facing the parking lot wondering where to enter. Two people passed me but still no assistance offered. Finally, I was brave enough to stop a gentleman and ask, "Which door leads to the sanctuary?" He showed me. But I could not help but wonder how many people visit that church, get frustrated and get back in the car because no one is there to help? I am convinced, parking lot greeters matter.

Large or small, take the time to ensure the parking lot is warm and inviting. Here are a few ways that you can make sure when some one drives up something special happens in the parking lot.

- Identify a team to work the parking lot each Sunday.
- Give them badges or welcome vests that help to identify them as official parking lot greeters.
- Instruct them to smile and say, "Welcome".
- Encourage them to shake hands with guests in the parking lot.
- Arm them with answers to common questions such as, "Where is the sanctuary?" or "What time does the worship service starts?"
- Train greeters on how to direct people, answer questions and make visitors feel welcomed.
- Recruit people with enthusiasm and a natural smile.
- Keep the parking lot greeters up to date with changes in the ministry and special events.

Learn More about How to Communicate With Guests

* Written by Lynette Hawkins, founder of Awesome Insight a communications initiative of Beyond Marketing Group, Inc., which provides seminars and coaching for church leaders on how to attract, reach and keep worship guests. Visit her website www.awesomeinsight.com or contact her at (888)834-7525.


*Lynette Hawkins

Making a "Fuss" Over Guests

What happens when visitors arrive a little late? Are there any parking spaces designated for worship guests? It may be time to take a look at reserving a few spots near the door for visitors. Too often worship guests drive in a parking lot to attend service but get frustrated and leave because the closest parking space is four blocks down the street. Churches that desire to grow attendance take extra steps to make a fuss over worship guests. Special visitor parking spaces are a simple way to say visitors are truly welcomed. When a guest rides up and sees the visitor parking spaces immediately they'll know some one cares. Even if those spaces are filled, the fact that you cared enough to reserve spaces sets a positive tone before a guest ever enters the sanctuary.

Giving attention to guests makes people feel special. People do appreciate it. One church with very limited on-site parking reserved their entire parking lot for guests during a special holiday event. Guests enjoyed the luxury of off the street parking while members parked on the street. Another pastor shared with me that they offer shuttle buses from their remote parking so that people do not have to walk. All of these ideas point to one clear point, parking lots matter.
Parking lots are evangelism at work. Making the most of this area may lead to more return visits and happy Sunday morning worship guests. Here are a few tips to give to the facility team who manages your parking lot:

- Keep the parking lot clean and free of debris.
- Repair pot holes.
- Clearly paint the lines for parking spaces.
- Consider special visitor parking spaces up front.
- Add directional signs leading to the sanctuary
- Consider valet parking for seniors and adults with physical challenges
- Offer shuttle buses and greeters to assist in remote parking areas

For More Tips on How to Attract, Reach & Keep Guests
Forward this Newsletter to Your Evangelism Team

Written by Lynette Hawkins, founder of Awesome Insight a communications initiative of Beyond Marketing Group, Inc., which provides seminars and coaching for church leaders on how to attract, reach and keep worship guests. Visit her website www.awesomeinsight.com or contact her at (888)834-7525.


By the Rev. Salatheia Bryant-Honors

“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.” Psalm 62:5

The anticipation is rising like the Texas heat as the Tenth Episcopal District prepares to welcome women from across our vast connection to Divine Expectations: International Women’s Convocation 2006.

Registration for the IWC ‘06 closes July 15. The current registration rate for this can’t miss experience is $280. Attendees may also register for a one-day session at a cost of $80. Online credit card payments can be made by logging on to www.tenthdistrictministrytowomen.org. The Convocation will be held August 16- August 19 at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas.

Divine Expectations is the vision of Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram, Episcopal Supervisor of the Tenth District.

Since calling for the convocation Rev. Jessica has been living in divine expectations. She has a blessed assuredness that the convocation is an opportunity to move us to the next dimension of our spiritual walks.

“We already know that your life will never be the same. Come expecting God to move in a mighty way,’’ said Rev. Jessica. “I know for sure that as a result of this convocation our district, our churches, our people will never ever be the same.”
This great gathering of God’s women will offer four days of preaching, teaching, praising and prayer. It will give A.M.E. women a chance to connect with sisters from around the world.

Hotel reservations for this historic event should be made as soon as possible by calling 1-800-Hiltons. Make sure you state that you are making them for the Tenth District of the A.M.E. Church IWC ’06 to get the proper room rate.

In addition to the services and seminars, Divine Expectations is also about mission work.

The IWC is still raising money to sponsor more than 100 women from oversees districts to attend this gathering. Donations can still be made to the Just a Sister Away campaign to financially support this effort. Additionally, the August 17 love offering from the international praise & worship service will go to support the Balm in Gilead Centre in Wallacedene, South Africa. This center serves the needs of women who live in the impoverished areas of Wallacedene and Scottfdene. The center was founded by Rev. Jessica. The August 18 praise & worship service love offering will go to support the Elnita McClain Women’s Center located in Houston, Texas. The center has been closed for several years. The Tenth District Women’s Missionary Society is working to re-open it.

The convocation will feature a "women of honor" luncheon and anointed ministry through dance and song.

As a part of the preparation for Divine Expectations the women of the Tenth have been reading scripture, praying and fasting.


Jeanette T. Johns

Isaac Watts was one of the greatest Christian hymn writers of all time. He wrote his first, “Behold the Glories of the Lamb”, when he was about 19 years old. Before he died at the age of 74 he had written nearly 700, and three centuries later they are still being sung.

Young Isaac showed that he was at ease with words at a very young age. He learned Latin at age 4, Greek at 9, French at 11, and Hebrew at 13. His mother was astonished by the quality of the poetry he spoke and wrote when he was only 7. Once when his father reprimanded him for laughing during family prayers, Isaac pointed to a bell rope by the fireplace, where he had just seen a mouse run up, and quickly explained in verse:

“There was a mouse, for want of stairs, Ran up a rope to say his prayers.”

His father was not as tolerant of Isaac’s constant poetic speaking as his mother was, and as he picked up his cane to further chastise him, Isaac sought to defend himself with a second verse:

“Oh Father, Father, pity take
And I will no more verses make.”

In the index of our A.M.E. Hymnal there are approximately 40 of Isaac Watts hymns listed. Among them are “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”, “O, God, Our Help in Ages Past”, “From All That Dwell Below The Skies”, “Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed”, and “Joy to the World”.

17. Congratulations:

Congratulatory Messages/Praise Reports are posted by the Clergy Family Information Center on Friday of each week. Clergy Family Births, Graduations, Weddings and Wedding Anniversaries (25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 75th)


The Christian Recorder staff wishes to extend our congratulatory message to all of those celebrating the blessings of God.


*S. Renee Smith

If you can stomach the first two paragraphs as you read about an incident that taught me important life lessons, I assure you that what you learn will be worth the facial and body contortions that my story may take you through.

A while ago my mother dropped me off at my home after a “cozy, girls’ session” over dinner. When I got out of the car, I didn’t register my unconscious thought that I was sandwiched between the curb and the car with limited space to move. Instead of stepping on the curb and then shutting the door, I twisted and turned in the limited space. The result, I slammed my left middle finger in the door. To make matters worst, instead of opening the door to take my finger out, I yanked it out of the door.

It happened so fast that I didn’t realize the damage I had done to myself until I shook my hand and blood flew everywhere landing on everything in sight including my face. At that point, I knew I had a problem. I opened the car door to share with my mother what had happened. We immediately went inside to view the damage. My entire fingernail, including some of the surrounding skin, found a new home: and it wasn’t on my finger. Within seconds of seeing this gruesome site, I felt myself going into shock. I immediately started asking for my father. I decided to lay on the floor so I wouldn’t fall down in a faint. All of a sudden, I was freezing cold to the point of shivering. My mother got a blanket. I continued to ask for my father.

As I lay on my kitchen floor, I could hear my mother telling me that she was going to pick me up and take me to the car. She thought I needed to go to the hospital. I continued to ask for my father. And within myself, I was praying to stay conscious. After a few minutes of trying to doctor my finger, my mother tried to get me to get up from the floor, but I wanted my daddy. I needed my daddy.

My mother and I briefly debated about her ability to pick me up and take me to the car. We also had to agree on where we would go once we got there. I won. With her assistance, I was able to get up and get to the car. We went to her house hoping that my dad would be there. He wasn’t. But after calling him, it seemed like within second he was home doctoring my womb. Due to the continuous bleeding, he changed the bandage throughout the night.

Several months have passed and my fingernail is returning, but I still feel leery about getting out of the car when it is parked too close to the curb. In fact, whenever my mother drops me off, I refuse to get out until she moves to a “safe spot.”

When I reflect on my life, as a spiritual being trying to have a human experience as someone said, I realize that when we learn to listen to what our life is teaching us through our daily experiences, we can transform our lessons into genuine growth.

The physical pain that I experienced that night cannot compare to the lessons that I learned. To some, it may appear to be a simple incident. But I am a deep thinker. I believe that even through this, God is speaking to me. What have I learned? The following:

1. Listen to that “intuitive thing” that God has given us. Long before that night, I would be sandwiched between the car and the curb. I would even come close to slamming my finger in the door. Instead of being attentive to what those close encounters were telling me, I would ignore the feeling and thoughts that I was getting. I would think within myself, “You nearly slammed your finger in the door.” God loves us so much that He always sends a warning before destruction. Through my intuition and sub-conscious thought, God was trying to inform me that I was putting myself in a dangerous situation.

That night, I could remember saying within myself that I knew that was going to happen. If I knew it was going to happen, why didn’t I develop a safer exit strategy? It’s simple. We don’t listen to ourselves. The “intuitive thing” that God put within is constantly trying to guide us. When we don’t listen the first time, He will speak louder still trying to get our attention. Unfortunately, we pass it off as some miscellaneous thought, but it is not. God is sending us a MESSAGE. Pay attention.

2. Long after the pain is gone, don’t forget the lesson. Sometimes we create chaos in our lives. We pray, plead, and cry for release from the pain of our circumstances. Shortly after we get relief, we return to the same field to play the same game. In other words, we don’t learn our lesson so we repeat the course. Stop the mayhem by learning the lesson: then apply what you learn to your life situations. It is what I call, acquiring and using WISDOM that brings about genuine growth.

3. Understand the value of your relationships. Fortunately, I have an open, loving relationship with both my parents. However, because I spend more time with my mother, I’m closer to my mother. For all the eyebrows that just rose above the forehead, just know that my comment in no way discounts the love that I equally share for my parents. It is a fact that the more time you spend with a person, the closer you are to them.

That night, however, I needed my father. As an adult, I never thought that I would need the presence of a person so desperately. When my dad arrived, I knew I was going to be okay. I knew that I was safe. People play different roles in our lives and their presence bring different feelings. Although we may not always realize it, it is spiritual. What we are feeling when we are around the person is their spirit. Every spirit brings an energy life force with it. You feel it when you are around others, but you don’t always acknowledge it. Sometimes you feel a positive emotion and sometimes it is a negative emotion. Whatever you feel don’t judge it, just trust it.

As you raise you awareness and sensitivity to the souls that carry a particular life energy, which is their spirit, you will begin to surround yourself around people who can meet your needs. When each person applies this spiritual principle to his or her life, each one of us will become more satisfied and content with our lives.

4. You’ll heal and have another chance. Life is full of surprises. The majority of the time we create our own messes and call them surprises. Although it doesn’t happen often, a situation really can take us off guard. Regardless of what happens, why it happens, or who it happen to—like my finger—healing comes. Take advantage of the healing and appreciate the miracle of spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical repair.

Don’t keep beating yourself up over yesterday’s lesson. Forgive yourself and others. Embrace the process and transform your life lessons into genuine growth.

* S. Renee Smith is an Image Consultant, Motivational Speaker, & Author of There Is More Inside. For booking information, visit her website at www.srenee.com or call (302)736-5131.


Dr. Y. Benjamin Bruce, Sr., Presiding Elder of the North Orlando District, Central Conference, 11th Episcopal District and a former General Officer (Director of Worship & Evangelism for the African Methodist Episcopal Church) passed on yesterday, July 16, 2006.

Service arrangements:
Friday, July 21, 2006
11:00 AM
St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church
1960 Bruton Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32805
407-422-6941 (Phone)
407-841-0307 (Fax)

Professional Services entrusted to:
Postell’s Mortuary
811 North Powers Drive
Orlando, FL 32818
Phone 407- 295-3857 (Phone)
Fax 407- 295-0307 (Fax)

The family has requested in lieu of flowers that contributions be made to: Edwards Waters College in the name of Dr. Y. Benjamin Bruce, Sr.

Edward Waters College
1658 Kings RoadJacksonville, Florida 32209
Phone: (904) 470-8000

Expressions of sympathy may be sent to:

Mrs. Gloria Bruce and Family
8128 Banyan Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32819
407- 352-1431 (Phone)
407-363-7423 (Fax)
Email: GloriaSBruce@aol.com

Please remember the Bruce family in your prayers.


Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Chair
Commission on Social Action Clergy Family Information Center
Ora L. EasleyEmail: Amespouses1@aol.comPhone: (615) 837-9736Fax: (615) 833-3781Voice Mail: (615) 833-6936Cell: (615) 403-7751


The Chair of the Commission on Publications, the Right Reverend Gregory G. M. Ingram; the Publisher, the Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour and the Editor of the Christian Recorder, the Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III offer our condolences and prayers to those who have lost loved ones. We pray that the peace of Christ will be with you during this time of your bereavement