


L'enregistreur chrétien apposé ci-dessous est l'édition de jeudi (7/21/05) de la version anglaise de TCR en ligne pour nos lecteurs français. J'apprécierais si un, ou plus de nos abonnés lirait et me donnerait la rétroaction sur la lisibilité de la traduction française. J'apprécierais la rétroaction aussitôt que possible. Les éditions en français portugaises et de l'enregistreur de Chrsitian étaient plus tôt édité aujourd'hui. Vous pouvez lire l'édition de jeudi de l'enregistreur chrétien en anglais, portugais, français, ou l'Espagnol.Avec votre rétroaction, nous figurerons la meilleure manière d'éditer les diverses éditions de langue étrangère. Nous sommes maintenant capables d'éditer l'enregistreur chrétien en anglais, espagnol, français, portugais, hollandais, suédois, italien, et le Russe.Notre appréciation au frère John Thomas III pour partager la ressource de traduction avec nous.

Évêque Gregory G.M. Ingram - chaise, la Commission sur des publications
Le Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., éditeur de révérend
Le Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, rédacteur de révérend


- Cette issue de l'enregistreur chrétien est envoyée de Louisville, Kentucky. Le rédacteur sert le 13ème congrès épiscopal de conduite et de ministère de zone. Évêque Vashti Murphy McKenzie est le prélat de présidence et M. Stan McKenzie est le surveillant épiscopal. Ils, avec la réunion ministérielle et la conduite étendue sont excités au sujet du congrès de cette année. C'est le plus grand 13ème congrès épiscopal servi de zone jamais.

Comme avec la sixième zone épiscopale, il s'avère pour moi que nous avons plus de jeunes d'AME que les gens laissent sur cela que nous avons. Il y a plus de 1200 personnes inscrites au congrès et les jeunes sont excités et assistent à toutes les sessions dans de grands nombres.

Mais, je dois dire que la prédication a été commencement phénoménal avec le sermon dynamique fourni par évêque Sarah Davis, le prélat de présidence des dix-huitième moments épiscopaux et superbes de sermons et d'enseignement par le révérend Deidre Ellis, le révérend Roderick Belin ; le Dr. James Wade, directeur de révérend d'évangélisation ; Le congrès Revivalist, Dr. Michael Bell de révérend ; Les professeurs théologiques de séminaire de Payne, le Dr. Frederick Wright de révérend et le révérend marquent Tyler, qui aussi des pasteurs à l'église de Macédoine AME à Camden, New Jersey.
La jeunesse a éprouvé « un Holla de fantôme saint » : Temps de musical et de film d'evangile d'houblon de hanche mercredi soirée. Un rapport plus détaillé du 13ème congrès épiscopal de zone est reçu.


L'enregistreur chrétien - $36.00 ; Les différentes copies de l'enregistreur chrétien coûteront 1.50
La revue d'église d'A.M.E. - $25.00 ; les différentes issues coûteront $5.00
La voix des missions - $$25.00
Le journal de l'éducation religieuse - $25.00
La chambre secrète - $25.00


- L'enregistreur chrétien en ligne sera édité en ligne en anglais tout qu'il semble maintenant, mais dans un avenir proche aura une période d'essai de l'édition en ligne dans espagnol, français, portugais, et le Néerlandais. La partie de langue étrangère devrait être t moindre 90% - 95% précis.

- Le blanc de foi de soeur, un membre d'église d'Ebenezer AME, Charleston, Sc a suggéré plusieurs innovations :

Une colonne de la jeunesse - YPD parle
Colonne de l'information de technologie
Une colonne légale

On l'espère qu'une partie de notre lectorat sera motivée pour nous aider dans un des secteurs ci-dessus.


Le révérend Dennis C. Dickerson, Ph.D., directeur exécutif du département de la recherche et de la bourse de l'église épiscopale méthodiste africaine, a fini sa limite comme président de la société américaine de l'histoire d'église le 8 janvier 2005 lors de la réunion annuelle de groupes à Seattle, Washington.

Il a fait à cette occasion un discours présidentiel, « les intellectuels religieux américains africains et les bases théologiques du mouvement de droits civiques, 1930-1955. » Cet article a été plus tard publié au journal savant de l'organisation, HISTOIRE d'ÉGLISE, dans le juin 2005. Dans le Dr. d'article Dickerson argue du fait que Mordecai W. Johnson, Benjamin E. mai, George D. Kelsey, William Stuart Nelson, et d'autres intellectuels religieux noirs des années 30 et des années 40 a développé la terminologie, les thèmes, et la tactique qui a influencé des activistes de droits civiques dans les années 50 et les années 60. Le roi de Martin Luther, le Jr., le fermier de James, et le James Lawson ont été particulièrement influencés par les idées au sujet du nonviolence de Gandhian, de la mobilisation de masse, et de l'idolâtrie de la ségrégation que cette génération précédente des intellectuels religieux noirs a articulée.

Dr. Dickerson reste actif avec la société américaine de l'histoire d'église en servant de chaise du Comité de nomination.


Montez l'église de Zion A.M.E. située dans le Nouveau Brunswick, le New Jersey s'embarque sur nouveau un projet très innovateur et passionnant. Le nouveau projet, association pour l'aide de prescription (PPA), individus d'aides sans assurance qui ont la difficulté obtenir des médecines de prescription. Une des missions de l'initiative est de ne permettre l'accès à plus de 1.200 médecines à un peu coûteux ou aucun coût au participant. Le PPA offre la « aide est ici exprès » qui est un autobus de tourisme fourni de personnel avec les professionnels qualifiés qui voyageront le pays pour s'inscrire les participants éligibles dans le programme.

Le samedi 11 juin parmi un jour chaud et humide, les PPA « aide est ici exprès » étaient en excursion chez Promise d'Elijah's, Inc. situé dans le Nouveau Brunswick, New Jersey. La promesse d'Elijah est une cuisine de potage, une école culinaire, et une micro-entreprise et fournit également des services sociaux et de restauration. Tandis qu'au service pour une santé à l'échelle communautaire juste, une conférence de presse bien-occupée était tenue concernant l'initiative de PPA. Les associés d'initiative sont : Johnson et Promise de Johnson, Elijah's, Inc., et église de Zion A.M.E. de bâti. « Il est impressionnant quand nous pouvons faire un impact sur notre communauté… que nous sommes chacune des une famille, » a énoncé Dr. Joseph A. Hooper, pasteur d'inverseur de Dr. Hooper d'inverseur de Zion A.M.E. de bâti a fourni l'invocation et la bienvenue à la conférence de presse.

Des plans pour que l'autobus de tourisme soit à la foire de santé ont été lancés par l'église de Zion A.M.E. de bâti. Linda intelligent, président du ministère sain de éloge au bâti Zion et Dr. Hooper d'inverseur, ont au commencement voyagé la « aide est ici exprès » chez Johnson et les sièges sociaux de corporation de Johnson situent le 10 mai 2005. « Nous sommes des associés avec Johnson et Johnson et avec l'association pour l'aide de prescription. Nous sommes Co-commandite également de la foire de santé de la promesse de l'Elijah. Elle ne serait pas grande si le bâti Zion pourrait être la liaison pour unir ces efforts de santé, » a dit lumineux. Lumineux, un employé de Johnson et de Johnson, parlé aux représentants de compagnie s'est associé au PPA et le repos est histoire.

Le sénateur Joseph F. Vitale et élu parlementaire Upendra J. Chivukula d'état a donné des mots d'appui et d'encouragement. D'autres haut-parleurs à l'ordre du jour étaient : Denise Sitarik, directeur d'aide patiente chez Johnson et Johnson et Yvette Molina, directeur des services sociaux à la promesse d'Elijah.

Le bâti Zion A.M.E. félicitant le ministère sain sera disponible pour aider à la diffusion des matériaux de PPA comme partie de son dépassent des missions et pourront relier le rassemblement et de membre de la Communauté à l'information.

Plus d'information concernant le PPA, visitez www.pparx.org ou réclamez 888-4PPA-NOW.

Pour plus d'information concernant l'église de Zion A.M.E. de bâti, visitez www.mountzioname.org ou l'appel (732) 249-8476.

Pour plus d'information concernant Promise d'Elijah's, Inc., visitez www.elijahspromise.org

Pour plus d'information concernant Johnson et Johnson, visitez www.jnj.com

Écrit par : Toni Johnson
Photos par : Klein & Ulmes, Inc., Metuchen, NJ
Église de Zion A.M.E. de bâti
39 manière de Morris Street/Hildebrand
Le Nouveau Brunswick, NJ08901
(732) 249-8476


- Si vous souhaitez souscrire à l'enregistreur chrétien en ligne, allez à http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/

- Si vous souhaitez regarder les issues précédentes de l'enregistreur chrétien en ligne, allez : http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/tcr-online/


Editor's Note: Today is a historic moment. We can now publish The Christian Recorder various foreign languages. The Christian Recorder appended below is Thursday's edition (7/21/05) of the English version of TCR Online for our Spanish readers. I would appreciate if one, or more of our subscribers would read and give me feedback on the readability of the Spanish translation. I would appreciate feedback as soon as possible. The Portuguese edition of The Chrsitian Recorder was published earlier today.

You can read Thursday's edition of The Christian Recorder in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.

With your feedback, we will figure the best way to publish the various foreign language editions. We are now capable of publishing The Christian Recorder in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, and Russian.

Our appreciation to Brother John Thomas III for sharing the translation resource with us.

Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III

Obispo Gregory G.M. Ingram - silla, Comisión en publicaciones
El Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., editor de Reverend
El Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, redactor de Reverend


- Esta aplicación el registrador cristiano se está enviando de Louisville, Kentucky. El redactor está atendiendo al décimotercero congreso episcopal de la dirección y del ministerio del districto. Obispo Vashti Murphy McKenzie es el Prelate de presidencia y Sr. Stan McKenzie es el supervisor episcopal. , Junto con la reunión ministerial y la dirección puesta se excitan sobre congreso relativo a este año. Éste es el décimotercero congreso episcopal atendido más grande del districto siempre.

Como con el sexto districto episcopal, aparece a mí que tenemos más gente joven de AME que la gente está dejando en ésa que tenemos. Hay sobre 1200 personas registradas para el congreso y excitan y está atendiendo a la gente joven a todas las sesiones en grandes números.

Pero, necesito decir que la predicación haya sido principio fenomenal con el sermón dinámico entregado por obispo Sarah Davis, el Prelate de presidencia de los décimo octavos momentos episcopales y magníficos de los sermones y de la enseñanza por el Reverend Deidre Ellis, el Reverend Roderick Belin; el Dr. James Wade, director de Reverend de Evangelism; Congreso Revivalist, el Dr. Michael Bell de Reverend; Los profesores teológicos del seminario de Payne, el Dr. Frederick Wright y el Reverend de Reverend marcan a Tyler, que también los pastores en la iglesia de Macedonia AME en Camden, New Jersey.
La juventud experimentó un “Holla del fantasma santo”: Tiempo del Musical y de la película del evangelio del salto de la cadera el la tarde de miércoles. Un informe más detallado del décimotercero congreso episcopal del districto es próximo.


El registrador cristiano - $36.00; Las copias individuales del registrador cristiano costarán 1.50
La revisión de la iglesia de A.M.E. - $25.00; las ediciones individuales costarán $5.00
La voz de las misiones - $$25.00
El diario de la educación religiosa - $25.00
El compartimiento secreto - $25.00


- El registrador cristiano en línea será publicado en línea en inglés como ahora aparece, pero en un futuro próximo tendrá un período de prueba de publicar en línea en español, francés, portugués, y holandés. La porción del idioma extranjero debe ser t menos 90% - el 95% exactos.

- El blanco de la fe de la hermana, miembro de la iglesia de Ebenezer AME, Charleston, SC sugirió varias innovaciones:

Una columna de la juventud - YPD habla
Columna de la información de la tecnología
Una columna legal

Se espera que motivarán algo de nuestro número total de lectores para asistirnos en una de las áreas arriba.


El Reverend Dennis C. Dickerson, Ph.D., el director ejecutivo del departamento de la investigación y de la beca de la iglesia episcopal Methodist africana, terminó su término como presidente de la sociedad americana de la historia de la iglesia el 8 de enero de 2005 en la reunión anual de los grupos en Seattle, Washington.

Él entregó en esa ocasión una dirección presidencial, los “intelectuales religiosos americanos africanos y las fundaciones teológicas del movimiento de las derechas civiles, 1930-1955.” Ese papel fue publicado posteriormente en el diario de estudiante de la organización, HISTORIA de la IGLESIA, en el junio de 2005. En el Dr. del artículo Dickerson discute que Mordecai W. Johnson, Benjamin E. mayos, George D. Kelsey, Guillermo Estuardo Nelson, y otros intelectuales religiosos negros de los años 30 y de los años 40 desarrollara terminología, temas, y las táctica que influenciaron a activistas de las derechas civiles en los años 50 y los años 60. Las ideas sobre el nonviolence de Gandhian, la movilización total, y el idolatry de la segregación influenciaron al rey de Martin Luther, al Jr., al granjero de James, y a James Lawson especialmente que esta generación anterior de intelectuales religiosos negros articuló.

El Dr. Dickerson sigue siendo activo con la sociedad americana de la historia de la iglesia sirviendo como silla del comité que nomina.


Monte la iglesia de Zion A.M.E. situada en Nuevo Brunswick, New Jersey está emprendiendo un nuevo proyecto muy innovador y emocionante. El nuevo proyecto, sociedad para la ayuda de la prescripción (PPA), individuos de las ayudas sin seguro que tienen dificultad el obtener de medicinas de la prescripción. Una de las misiones de la iniciativa es permitir el acceso a más de 1.200 medicinas en un barato o ningún coste al participante. El PPA ofrece la “ayuda es aquí expreso” que es un autobús que viaja proveído de personal con los profesionales entrenados que viajarán el país para alistar a participantes elegibles en el programa.

El sábado 11 de junio en medio de un día caliente y húmedo, los PPA “ayuda son aquí expresos” estaban en viaje en Promise de Elijah, Inc. situado en Nuevo Brunswick, New Jersey. La promesa de Elijah es una cocina de la sopa, una escuela culinaria, y una micro-empresa y también proporciona servicios sociales y del abastecimiento. Mientras que en la facilidad para una salud a nivel comunitario justa, una rueda de prensa bien-atendida fue llevada a cabo con respecto a la iniciativa de PPA. Los socios de la iniciativa son: Johnson y Promise de Johnson, Elijah, Inc., e iglesia de Zion A.M.E. del montaje. “Es impresionante cuando podemos hacer un impacto en nuestra comunidad… que somos la una familia,” indicó a Dr. José A. Hooper del inversor de corriente, el pastor del Dr. Hooper del inversor de corriente de Zion A.M.E. del montaje entregó la invocación y la recepción en la rueda de prensa.

Los planes para que el autobús que viajaba esté en la feria de la salud fueron iniciados por la iglesia de Zion A.M.E. del montaje. Linda brillante, el presidente del ministerio sano de elogio en el montaje Zion y el Dr. Hooper del inversor de corriente, viajaron inicialmente la “ayuda es aquí expresos” en Johnson y las jefaturas corporativas de Johnson localizan el 10 de mayo de 2005. “Somos socios con Johnson y Johnson y con la sociedad para la ayuda de la prescripción. Somos también co-patrocinamos de la feria de la salud de la promesa del Elijah. No sería grande si el montaje Zion podría ser el enlace para unir estos esfuerzos del cuidado médico,” dijo brillante. Brillante, un empleado de Johnson y de Johnson, hablado con los representantes de la compañía se asoció al PPA y el resto es historia.

Senador José F. Vitale y Assemblyman Upendra J. Chivukula del estado dio palabras de la ayuda y del estímulo. Otros altavoces en la agenda eran: Denise Sitarik, director de la ayuda paciente en Johnson y Johnson y Yvette Molina, director de servicios sociales en la promesa de Elijah.

El montaje Zion A.M.E. que elogia el ministerio sano estará disponible para asistir a la difusión de los materiales de PPA como parte de su excede misiones y podrá conectar la congregación y a miembros de la Comunidad con la información.

Para más información con respecto al PPA, visite www.pparx.org o llame 888-4PPA-NOW.

Para más información con respecto a la iglesia de Zion A.M.E. del montaje, visite www.mountzioname.org o la llamada (732) 249-8476.

Para más información con respecto a Promise de Elijah, Inc., visite www.elijahspromise.org

Para más información con respecto Johnson y a Johnson, visite www.jnj.com

Escrito cerca: Toni Johnson
Fotos cerca: Klein & Ulmes, Inc., Metuchen, NJ
Iglesia de Zion A.M.E. del montaje
39 manera de Morris Street/Hildebrand
Nuevo Brunswick, NJ08901
(732) 249-8476


- Si usted desea suscribir al registrador cristiano en línea, vaya a http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/

- Si usted desea mirar aplicaciones anteriores el registrador cristiano en línea, vaya: http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/tcr-online/



The Christian Recorder appended below is Thursday's edition (7/21/05) of the English version of TCR Online for our Portuguese readers. The African Methodist Episcopal Church is truly a global Church and we are planning, at first, to publish The Christian Recorder Online in, addition to English, in Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and French. I am going to try to publish this edition in Spanish later today. I would appreciate if one, or more of our subscribers would read and give me feedback on the readability of the Portuguese, and later today of the Spanish translation. It might not be 100% but I hope that the tanslation would be 90 - 95% true to the English version. I would appreciate feedback as soon as possible.

Our appreciation to Brother John Thomas III for sharing the translation resource with us.

Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III

Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - cadeira, commission em publicações
O Dr. Johnny Barbour De Reverend, Jr., Publisher
O Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III De Reverend, Editor


- esta introdução do registrador christian está sendo emitida de Louisville, Kentucky. O editor está atendendo ao 1ó congress episcopal da liderança e do ministry do distrito. O bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie é o prelate presiding e o Sr. Stan McKenzie é o supervisor episcopal. , junto com a reunião ministerial e a liderança colocada são excitados sobre o congress deste ano. Este é o 1ó congress episcopal atendido o maior do distrito sempre. Como com o sexto distrito episcopal, parece-me que nós temos mais povos novos de AME do que os povos estão deixando naquele que nós temos. Há sobre 1200 pessoas registadas para o congress e os povos novos são excitados e estão atendendo a todas as sessões em números grandes.Mas, eu necessito dizer que preaching foi começo phenomenal com o sermon dinâmico entregado pelo bishop Sarah Davis, prelate presiding dos décimos oitavos momentos episcopal e superb dos sermons e ensinar pelo Reverend Deidre Ellis, o Reverend Roderick Belin; o Dr. James Vadear de Reverend, diretor de Evangelism; Congress Revivalist, Dr. Michael Bell de Reverend; Os professores do seminário de Payne Theological, Dr. Frederick Wright e o Reverend de Reverend marcam Tyler, que também pastors na igreja de Macedonia AME em Camden, Novo-Jersey. `A juventude experimentou "um holla do ghost holy": Tempo do musical e do filme do gospel do hop do hip na noite de quarta-feira. Um relatório mais detalhado do 1ó congress episcopal do distrito é forthcoming.


O Registrador Christian - $36.00; As cópias individuais do registrador christian custarão 1.50O

A.M.E. Revisão Da Igreja - $25.00; as edições individuais custarão $5.00A voz das missões -

O jornal da instrução religiosa - $25.00A Câmara Secreta - $25.00


- o registrador christian em linha será publicado em linha em por mais inglês que pareça agora, mas no futuro próximo terá um período experimental de publicar em linha em espanhol, em francês, em portuguese, e o dutch. A parcela da língua extrangeira deve ser t menos 90% - 95% exatos.

- o branco da fé da irmã, um membro da igreja de Ebenezer AME, Charleston, SC sugeriu diversas inovações:Uma Coluna Da Juventude

- YPD FalaColuna Da Informação Da TecnologiaUma Coluna LegalEspera-se que algum de nosso readership motivated para nos ajudar acima em uma das áreas.


O Reverend Dennis C. Dickerson, Ph.D., diretor executivo do departamento da pesquisa e do scholarship da igreja episcopal methodist africana, terminou seu termo como o presidente da sociedade americana do history da igreja janeiro em 8, 2005 na reunião anual dos grupos em Seattle, Washington.Entregou nessa ocasião um endereço presidencial, "intelectuais religiosos americanos africanos e as fundações de Theological do movimento das direitas civis, 1930-1955." Esse papel foi publicado subseqüentemente no jornal scholarly da organização, HISTORY da IGREJA, no junho 2005. No Dr. do artigo Dickerson discute que Mordecai W. Johnson, E. maio, George D. Kelsey, William Stuart Nelson, e outros intelectuais religiosos pretos de Benjamin dos 1930s e dos 1940s desenvolveu a terminologia, temas, e as táticas que influenciaram activistas das direitas civis no rei de Martin Luther dos 1950s e dos 1960s., o Jr., o fazendeiro de James, e James Lawson estiveram influenciados especial pelas idéias sobre o nonviolence de Gandhian, o mobilization maciço, e o idolatry do segregation que esta geração precedente de intelectuais religiosos pretos articulou.

O Dr. Dickerson remanesce ativo com a sociedade americana do history da igreja servindo como a cadeira do comitê nomeando.


Montagem Zion A.M.E. A igreja situada em Novo Brunswick, Novo-Jersey embarking em cima de um projeto novo muito inovativo e emocionante. O projeto novo, parceria para o auxílio da prescrição (PPA), indivíduos das ajudas sem seguro que têm a dificuldade obter medicinas da prescrição. Uma das missões da iniciativa é não permitir o acesso a mais de 1.200 medicinas em um low-cost ou o nenhum custo ao participant. O PPA oferece a "ajuda é aqui expresso" que é uma barra-ônibus excursionando staffed com profissionais treinados que estarão viajando o país para registrar participants elegíveis no programa.Em sábado, junho 11 entre um dia quente e húmido, ajuda do PPA a "é aqui expressa" estava na excursão Prometer de Elijah, Inc. situado em Brunsvique nova, Jersey nova. A promessa de Elijah é uma cozinha da sopa, uma escola culinary, e uma micro-empresa e fornece também serviços sociais e do catering. Quando na facilidade para uma saúde community-wide justa, uma conferência de imprensa bem-atendida foi prendida a respeito da iniciativa de PPA. Os sócios da iniciativa são: Johnson e Prometer de Johnson, Elijah, Inc., e montagem Zion A.M.E. Igreja. "é awesome quando nós podemos fazer um impacto em nossa comunidade... que nós somos todas as uma família," indicou o Dr. Joseph A. Hooper do Rev., pastor da montagem Zion A.M.E. Rev. O Dr. Hooper entregou o invocation e a boa vinda na conferência de imprensa. As plantas para que a barra-ônibus excursionando esteja na feira da saúde foram iniciadas pela montagem Zion A.M.E. Igreja. Linda brilhante, o presidente do ministry saudável elogiando na montagem Zion e o Dr. Hooper do Rev., excursionaram inicialmente a "ajuda são aqui expressos" no local incorporado de Johnson e de matrizes de Johnson maio em 10, 2005. "nós somos sócios com Johnson e Johnson e com a parceria para o auxílio da prescrição. Nós somos co-patrocinamos também da feira da saúde da promessa do Elijah. Wouldn't que fosse grande se a montagem Zion poderia ser a ligação para unir estes esforços do cuidado de saúde, "disse brilhante. Brilhante, um empregado de Johnson e de Johnson, falado aos representantes da companhia associados com o PPA e o descanso é o history.O senator Joseph F. Vitale e assemblyman Upendra J. Chivukula do estado deu palavras da sustentação e do incentivo. Outros altofalantes na agenda eram: Denise Sitarik, diretor do auxílio paciente em Johnson e Johnson e Yvette Molina, diretor de serviços sociais na promessa de Elijah.A montagem Zion A.M.E.'s que elogia o ministry saudável estará disponível para ajudar na disseminação de materiais de PPA como uma parte do seu excede missões e poderá conectar o congregation e os membros de comunidade com a informação.Para mais informação a respeito do PPA, visite www.pparx.org ou chame 888-4PPA-NOW.Para mais informação a respeito da montagem Zion A.M.E. Igreja, visita www.mountzioname.org ou chamada (732) 249-8476.Para mais informação a respeito Prometer de Elijah, Inc., visita http://www.elijahspromise.org/Para mais informação a respeito de Johnson e de Johnson, visita http://www.jnj.com/Escrito perto: Toni JohnsonFotos perto: Klein & Ulmes, Inc., Metuchen, NJMontagem Zion A.M.E. Igreja39 Maneira De Morris Street/HildebrandNovo Brunswick, NJ 08901(732) 249-8476www.mountzioname.org


- se você desejar subscrever em linha ao registrador christian, vá a http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/

- se você desejar olhar em linha introduções precedentes do registrador christian, vá: http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/tcr-online/
afixado pelo Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III @ 4:22:00 PM



Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor


- This issue of The Christian Recorder is being sent from Louisville, Kentucky. The editor is attending the 13th Episcopal District Leadership and ministry Congress. Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie is the Presiding Prelate and Mr. Stan McKenzie is the Episcopal Supervisor. They, along with the ministerial and lay leadership are excited about this year's Congress. This is the largest attended 13th Episcopal District Congress ever.

As with the Sixth Episcopal District, it appears to me that we have more AME young people than folks are letting on that we have. There are over 1200 persons registered for the Congress and the young people are excited and are attending all of the sessions in great numbers.

But, I need to say that the preaching has been phenomenal beginning with the dynamic sermon delivered by Bishop Sarah Davis, the Presiding Prelate of the Eighteenth Episcopal and superb sermons and teaching moments by the Reverend Deidre Ellis, the Reverend Roderick Belin; the Reverend Dr. James Wade, Director of Evangelism; Congress Revivalist, the Reverend Dr. Michael Bell; Payne Theological Seminary professors, the Reverend Dr. Frederick Wright and the Reverend Mark Tyler, who also pastors at Macedonia AME Church in Camden, New Jersey.
The youth experienced a "Holy Ghost Holla": Hip Hop Gospel Musical and movie time on Wednesday evening. A more detailed report of the 13th Episcopal District Congress is forthcoming.


The Christian Recorder - $36.00; Individual copies of The Christian Recorder will cost 1.50
The A.M.E. Church Review - $25.00; individual issues will cost $5.00
The Voice of Missions - $$25.00
The Journal of Religious Education - $25.00
The Secret Chamber - $25.00


- The Christian Recorder Online will be published online in English as it appears now, but in the near future will have a trial period of publishing online in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Dutch. The foreign language portion should be t least 90% - 95% accurate.

- Sister Faith White, a member of Ebenezer AME Church, Charleston, SC suggested several innovations:

A Youth Column - YPD Speaks
Technology Information Column
A Legal Column

It is hoped that some of our readership will be motivated to assist us in one of the areas above.


The Reverend Dennis C. Dickerson, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Department of Research and Scholarship of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, ended his term as President of the American Society of Church History on January 8, 2005 at the groups annual meeting in Seattle, Washington.

He delivered on that occasion a presidential address, "African American Religious Intellectuals and the Theological Foundations of the Civil Rights Movement, 1930-1955." That paper was subsequently published in the organization's scholarly journal, CHURCH HISTORY, in the June 2005. In the article Dr. Dickerson argues that Mordecai W. Johnson, Benjamin E. Mays, George D. Kelsey, William Stuart Nelson, and other black religious intellectuals of the 1930s and 1940s developed terminology, themes, and tactics that influenced civil rights activists in the 1950s and 1960s. Martin Luther King, Jr., James Farmer, and James Lawson were especially influenced by the ideas about Gandhian nonviolence, mass mobilization, and the idolatry of segregation that this previous generation of black religious intellectuals articulated.

Dr. Dickerson remains active with the American Society of Church History by serving as Chair of the Nominating Committee.


Mount Zion A.M.E. Church located in New Brunswick, New Jersey is embarking upon a very innovative and exciting new project. The new project, Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA), helps individuals without insurance who have difficulty obtaining prescription medicines. One of the missions of the initiative is to allow access to more than 1,200 medicines at a low-cost or no cost to the participant. The PPA offers the "Help is Here Express" which is a touring bus staffed with trained professionals that will be traveling the country to enroll eligible participants in the program.

On Saturday, June 11 amidst a hot and humid day, the PPA's "Help is Here Express" was on tour at Elijah's Promise, Inc. located in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Elijah's Promise is a soup kitchen, culinary school, and micro-enterprise and also provides social and catering services. While at the facility for a community-wide health fair, a well-attended press conference was held regarding the PPA initiative. The initiative partners are: Johnson and Johnson, Elijah's Promise, Inc., and Mount Zion A.M.E. Church. "It is awesome when we can make an impact on our community…we are all one family," stated Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Hooper, Pastor of Mount Zion A.M.E. Rev. Dr. Hooper delivered the invocation and welcome at the press conference.

Plans for the touring bus to be at the Health Fair were initiated by Mount Zion A.M.E. Church. Linda Bright, President of the Praising Healthy Ministry at Mount Zion and Rev. Dr. Hooper, initially toured the "Help is Here Express" at Johnson and Johnson Corporate Headquarters Site on May 10, 2005. "We are partners with Johnson and Johnson and with the Partnership for Prescription Assistance. We are also co-sponsors of the Elijah's Promise Health Fair. Wouldn't it be great if Mount Zion could be the liaison to unite these health care efforts," said Bright. Bright, a Johnson and Johnson employee, talked to company representatives associated with the PPA and the rest is history.

State Senator Joseph F. Vitale and Assemblyman Upendra J. Chivukula gave words of support and encouragement. Other speakers on the agenda were: Denise Sitarik, Director of Patient Assistance at Johnson and Johnson and Yvette Molina, Director of Social Services at Elijah's Promise.

Mount Zion A.M.E.'s Praising Healthy Ministry will be available to assist in the dissemination of PPA materials as a part of its outreach missions and will be able to connect congregation and community members with information.

For more information regarding the PPA, visit www.pparx.org or call 888-4PPA-NOW.

For more information regarding Mount Zion A.M.E. Church, visit www.mountzioname.org or call (732) 249-8476.

For more information regarding Elijah's Promise, Inc., visit www.elijahspromise.org

For more information regarding Johnson and Johnson, visit www.jnj.com

Written by: Toni Johnson
Photos by: Klein & Ulmes, Inc., Metuchen, NJ
Mount Zion A.M.E. Church
39 Morris Street/Hildebrand Way
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 249-8476


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- If you wish to look at previous issues of The Christian Recorder Online, go to: http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/tcr-online/



Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor


- The Christian Recorder Online

- If you wish to subscribe to The Christian Recorder Online, go to http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/

- If you wish to look at previous issues of The Christian Recorder Online, go to: http://www.the-christian-recorder.org/tcr-online/

- The President of Paul Quinn College resigns

The President of Paul Quinn College, since 2002, Dr. Dwight Fennell recently resigned with the effective date of July 15. According to media reports, Dr. Fennell did not specify the reason for his resignation. He cited his successes at the school including the graduation rate and enrollment increases.

- The Response given at the General Board by the Reverend Philip R. Cousin, Jr. to Bishop Richard Allen Chappelle’s address

- Immediately following the General Board Meeting and the Bishops’ Council, The Christian Recorder Online published the Public Statement from the Bishops and the opening address of the General Board delivered by the Right Reverend Richard Allen Chappelle, Presiding Bishop of the Twelfth Episcopal District. The Reverend Philip R. Cousin, Jr., pastor of St. Joseph’s AME Church, Durham, NC, delivered the response to the opening address. Reverend Cousin said that the AME Church is not only affected by changes from without, but we are also affected by changes from within the Church. Bishop Chappelle had used the analogy or metaphor of trees in his address and Reverend Cousin built upon Bishop Chappelle’s use of trees in his response. Rev. Cousin told the story of his grandfather showing him, when he was a child, beautiful-looking orange trees that had luscious- looking oranges but warned him if he ate the oranges from those orange trees, he would get violently ill because the oranges were bitter. His grandfather went on to explain, but if a sprig or a part of a good orange tree was grafted into the bitter tree, the fruit would become good and the oranges would be delicious.

Rev. Cousin said, “When we allow ‘strange trees’ to grow in our Zion, we shouldn’t be surprised when we get strains of a strange church.” He went to say, “Some of the fastest growing congregations are marginalizing their association with the AME Church” and went on to say that the Church must always graft good fruit into the wayward fruit trees and that the AME Church must move from rhetoric to implementation. He observed that the church must remain relevant, intentional, and deeply rooted “in the spiritual” for the tree to have deep roots to withstand the storms that are ever-present and destructive.

Dr. Cousin is a member of the Compilation Committee and the General Board of the Church. He also chairs the Board of Examiners of the Central Presiding Elder's District, and chairs the Finance Committee of the Western North Carolina Conference.

Editor’s Comment: I was curious about some of our leading pastors who were absent from The General Board Meeting / Bishops’ Council Meeting in Houston. I tend to think that AMEs like to meet. An acronym I have heard for “AME” is “Always Meetin’, Eatin,’” and so I expect to see the leading pastors at our large meetings.


The Sixth Episcopal District 2005 Leadership and Ministry Congress, held July 13-15, 2005 at the Radisson Riverfront Hotel in Augusta, Georgia under the leadership of Bishop W. Phillips DeVeaux and Episcopal Supervisor, Dr. Pam DeVeaux. Too often, we hear the joke, and I hope that it is said in jest, “the fastest growing denomination in America is ‘I used to be an AME.’” I saw more young AMEs than I have ever seen gathered in one location. And, if the Sixth Episcopal District is indicative of our other Episcopal Districts, than our Zion not what some people are trying to portray. I had hoped to attend the Seventh Episcopal District Leadership and Ministry Congress last week but was unable to do so. I suspect that the Leadership and Ministry Congress in the Seventh Episcopal District was successful also. I will be attending the Thirteenth Episcopal District Leadership and Ministry Congress this week.

I do not want to write about the Leadership and Ministry Congress I did not attend or the Leadership and Ministry Congress I will attend, but I want to share a little about the Leadership and Ministry Congress I attended last week in Augusta, Georgia.

I did not know that we had that many AME youths gathered in one place! The East Augusta Middle School gymnasium was full and running over. The young people were having a grand time and it reminded me that many of our pastors were motivated to accept their calls to ministry because of, what we used to call, the Youth Congress, and Sunday School Convention. My own call was solidified from the West Philadelphia District Sunday School Convention where the Reverend William Cody was a keynote speaker and moved round the church talking to young people. I was one of those young people. And, I guess that it was no accident that Bishop DeVeaux extended the invitation for people to accept the call to ministry after the closing sermon. Approximately eight persons came forward and there were probably many more young people who were too intimidated to come forward, but the “seed for ministry” has been planted.

I was curious about why everyone seemed so relaxed. I noticed that people were dressed relaxed, folks were attending the sessions, and the young people were engaged in the activities of the congress. Bishop DeVeaux responded that the young people had input into the Leadership and Ministry Congress schedule. They wanted less preaching and as a result, there were only two sermons scheduled for the Sixth District Leadership and Ministry Congress, the opening sermon by the Revered Dr. Daryl Ingram, Executive Director of the Department of Christian Education and the closing sermon by the Editor of The Christian Recorder. They had one other sermon, but it was not in the presentation of a traditional sermon, but it was a sermon and it was probably the best sermon of the meeting.

The best sermon and I must admit that I did not hear the opening sermon, was the dramatic presentation entitled, “The Loud Silence,” a play about HIV/AIDS written by Dr. Pam DeVeaux and directed by the Reverend Jamelle Jacobs. The noted gospel artist, the Reverend Gabriel Hardeman, Jr., provided the music.

The play had a powerful message that was relevant for young and old alike; and the auditorium was full. The playbill pointed out that, “There is a serious health crisis that is affecting the entire world. No longer, is the disease of HIV / AIDS something that affects a certain group or population within society. We can’t afford to keep silent any longer.” The play tells the story of four young people’s rise to fame as gospel music artists. The fame, money, and public adulation results in tragic events for the group as the lead singer strays from his spiritual roots. But, in the end, a message of hope, love, and faith prevails. The play was an enacted sermon that touched all of the emotions and activated all of the senses.

Among the talented cast were two presiding elders from the Sixth Episcopal District, Presiding Elder Ben Ridley and Presiding Elder Walter Daniels. Other Cast members: LaToyia Bradshaw, Janita Ferguson, Shawon Wiley, John E. Green, Jr., Daryl Lowe-Booker, Mae Morris, Annette Hardeman, Shirley Hart, Samia Geddings, Ryan Thomas, Matthew Fitch and Edna Killingsworth. Sonja Stewart was the Assistant Director, John Young, the Stage manager, Della Spearman, Special Consultant and Rae Fitch designed the Playbill.

The play needs to be shown to wider audiences. The young people and adults were moved and tears flowed. The Reverend Ronald Slaughter led in the Prayer of invitation that concluded the evening’s activities. Everything was finished by 8:30 p.m.

The Reverend Mark S. Pierson, pastor of Bethel AME Church was the Co-host, along with the Reverend Richard A. Smith; pastor of Ward Chapel AME Church served as the co-host for the 2005 Leadership and Ministry Congress. The Reverend Ella M. Smiley-Samuels was the host Presiding Elder. Dr. Daniel W. Jacobs, Chair, SED Christian Education Department, the Reverend James Hardaway, Director, Christian Education Department and the Reverend Vivian Green Associate Director of the Christian Education Department.

One of the highlights for the Editor was to see the retired Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel Hardeman, Sr. Dr. Hardeman was one of the leading pastors and on the Board of Examiners of the Philadelphia Annual Conference when I was ordained and itinerant deacon and later as an itinerant elder. I remember him when I was a pre-teen and up to when I was ordained. He had deep voice and dressed “to the hilt.”


By George R. La Sure, D.Min.

During the annual Sixth Episcopal District 2005 Leadership and Ministry Congress, held July 13-15, 2005 at the Radisson Riverfront Hotel in Augusta, Georgia many workshops were conducted which addressed issues ranging from HIV/AIDS Prevention to Effective Leadership Techniques to Promoting Spirituality to setting up a Web Site. In the midst of these many areas of discussion, there was a workshop specifically geared toward discussing Rural and Small Membership Church Strategies led by the writer. The workshop audience consisted of pastors and laity and, a Presiding Elder who oversees a large rural district in South Georgia.

The workshop discussion covered many areas, which included the need for seminary-trained clergy, suitable clergy salaries and housing benefits. The session also addressed relocation of designated rural churches to areas, which provide more growth potential. It was also pointed out that “transition plans” need to be provided to newly appointed pastors and a 3-5 year pastoral service commitments to rural and small membership churches. The participants also thought it important the AME Church to address the issue of health and life insurance benefits for rural and small membership pastors and their families. The issue of continuity of purpose re-stabilized pastoral presence, AMEC budgetary assessment adjustments to reflect actual church membership and the ability of the church to pay adequate salaries. Another concern was the pastoral adjustments to accommodate rural and small membership church lifestyle and increased rural and small membership church participation in connectional church events and activities.

In the brief time allotted spirited discussion ensued. Most notable among the discussion topics was the need for stability in pastoral appointments. When pastors are assigned to the rural and small membership church, there is an increasing need for that person to be in place for at least 3-5 years in order to promote the stability of that congregation. Workshop participants agreed with the writer that it takes the newly appointed pastor between 3 and 5 years to be fully invested with the full leadership credential for the church. In other words, it takes that long to become the “pastor”. "Pastor" is not a title that is fully recognized unless that person has engendered the trust of the people.

Further, it was suggested that it is difficult for the rural and small membership church to make and sustain plans for growth and development when it is experiencing frequent changes in pastoral leadership. With each new leader comes a new set of visions, styles and priorities. It is hard and extremely dangerous to change horses in mid-stream.

Another item of discussion that drew much discussion was the writer’s suggestion that “transition plans” be made available to newly appointed pastors. The Transition Plan (TP) would provide the incoming pastor with a full statement of the church’s activity during the past twelve (12) months, financial records from the previous year, Quarterly Conference and Official Board records of boards and auxiliaries, written policies and procedures, the written church’s history, a listing of all active and inactive members (with addresses and phone numbers) and any statement of future plans that are contemplated by the church. The workshop participants all agreed that this type of transition plan would do much to enhance smoother pastoral transition and overall church stability and growth.

It was further acknowledged that each Episcopal District might consider eliminating charges that are too small to support a pastor and necessary and suitable church ministries. The recommendation was made that some charges might be consolidated with others within a reasonable distance to promote church growth and stability. Several workshop participants offered valued testimony relating to the extreme financial hardships that are borne by pastors who have fewer than 25 members. Their shared testimony spoke to the extreme difficulty involved with raising enough funds to provide for a pastor’s salary, utilities, insurance, AMEC budgetary assessments, funds to attend Episcopal District meetings, etc.

As the workshop concluded, there was an expressed desire on the part of the participants to continue the discussion of issues relating to the plight of the rural and small membership church. It was further recommended that there be some sort of continuing denominational oversight specifically relating to rural and small membership church issues.

This writer invites your comments and concerns regarding anything you have read in this article, as well as other rural and small membership church issues.


Dear Brother and Sisters -

Again we ask that you pray and send out the alert concerning the people in the Caribbean!

We are in the Hurricane and it appears that we will have an active hurricane season this year. Please stay in prayer for us. We know that God is able!

Please pray, and ask those you know to pray with us also,

Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Chair
Commission on Social Action
Clergy Family Information Center
Mrs. Ora L. Easley – Administrator


As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He [Abraham] is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed – the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. Romans 4: 17

Abraham and Sarah were called by God to bear a child at the ages of one hundred years and seventy-five years respectively (v. 19). All of us would agree that this is impossible for persons of these ages. Abraham did not waver in his belief in God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God (v. 20).

Abraham and Sarah submitted to God’s authority in their lives and trusted God to fulfill that which they were unable to accomplish on their own. As we submit ourselves trustingly to the authority of God over our lives, we operate with the power of God in our lives. On my own, I can’t, but under His authority and power, I can.

At the small high school I attended, the seniors of the football team had their own separate locker room from the underclassmen on the team. One day, my older brother, who was a senior on the team, sent me to enter the forbidden realm of the seniors and get his other practice jersey from his locker. Fearfully and quite reluctantly, I slowly made my way down the hall to the door of the prohibited dominion. When asked by a couple of the senior boys, “What (expletives omitted) do you want? And why are you in our (expletives omitted) locker room?” I quickly replied, “My older brother told me to get his other practice jersey and bring it to him.” They told me to “hurry up and get the (expletives omitted) jersey and get (expletives omitted) out.”

I quickly retrieved the jersey and was met by another underclassman teammate as I exited the hall. He asked how I got in and out of the senior locker room alive. I explained that my brother sent me to do something and I got in on the basis of his “pull” on the team. My brother granted me the authority to do something that on my own I couldn’t do. Just having the right to do it wasn’t enough though. At 6’2” tall and 225 pounds of muscle, he had the power I didn’t have to back it up. Under his authority and power, I could do something I was unable to do on my own.
Isn’t that characteristic of our relationship with God? As we operate under God’s authority and power, God does things through us we are unable to do on our own. Romans 4:16-25 outlines God’s process for bringing His authority and power into our lives.

1. Romans 4: 16 - Receive the promise - God’s promise is God’s command for our lives. His promises set the direction. What did God say about the matter?

2. Romans 4: 17b - The power to fulfill the promise that we have been sent to receive lies in the hands of God, not us. This opens the door for God to work in the situation. Where man’s power ends, God’s power begins.

3. Romans 4: 18 - Believe God for the fulfillment of the promise. It is God who will do it. The outcomes are not limited to our power or to our understanding, but are in the hands of ”the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”

4. Romans 4: 19-21 - Recognize and accept the circumstances we face that are in opposition to the fulfillment of the promise. At the same time realizing that, God’s power and authority are greater than any problem we face. He can fulfill His Promise.

5. Romans 4: 22-25 - Recognize that God, the Father who raised Jesus Christ from the dead is at work in your life.

Under God’s authority, I can. Under the power of the God who gives life to the dead calls things that are not as though they were, I can. On my own, I can’t. But, in His authority and power, God can. And, because God can, I can.

Pastor Moody
Quinn Chapel, Chicago


Please share through your normal channels the homegoing of Mr. Lee Arthur Bright, Sr. of Walterboro, South Carolina on Friday, July 15, 2005. Mr. Bright is the father of Mrs. Mary Bright Darby, first lady of Morris Brown AME Church, Charleston, South Carolina.

Funeral services will be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, July 21, 2005 at Saint Peter Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Walterboro, South Carolina. Arrangements are being handled by:

Mungo Funeral Home
300 Francis St.
Walterboro, SC 29488

Condolences can be sent to:

The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph A. (Mary Bright) Darby and sons
1347 Coosaw Dr.
Charleston, SC 29488


Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Chair
Commission on Social Action
Clergy Family Information Center
Mrs. Ora L. Easley - Administrator
Email: Amespouses1@aol.com
(Nashville, Tennessee Contact)
Phone: (615) 837-9736
Fax: (615) 833-3781
(Memphis, Tennessee Contact)
(901) 578-4554 (Phone & Fax)

Please remember these families in your prayers.


The Chair of the Commission on Publications, the Right Reverend Gregory G. M. Ingram; the Publisher, the Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour and the Editor of the Christian Recorder, the Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III offer our condolences and prayers to those who have lost loved ones. We pray that the peace of Christ will be with you during this time of your bereavement.