

Tune in to C-Span all day today, Saturday, February 26 beginning at 8 a.m. EST. - all day!

Tavis Smiley (with co-host Tom Joyner) Presents the State of the Black Union 2005. The program is entitled, "Road to Health and Defining the African American Agenda.

African American leaders from all walks of American life will appear on the program.

Bishop Vashti McKenzie, a bishop in the AME Church will appear on the program in the segment beginning at 3 p.m. EST until the program's conclusion. She is the presiding prelate of the 13th Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Bishop McKenzie is the only AME religious leader on the program of national "heavy weights."

Tune in to C-Span and see Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Bishop Eddie Long, the Reverend Al Sharpton, Dr. Cornel West, the Reverend Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, et.al.