

Bishop Richard Franklin Norris - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor, The Christian Recorder


Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III
The 20th Editor of The Christian Recorder

I was planning to do a series of articles on unsung heroes and unsung heroines in the AME Church. I believe that the unsung heroes are “first spouses, first families, retired AME presiding elders, retired AME pastors, pastors of small congregations, and outspoken laity.” If I have missed any unsung AME heroes and heroines, please feel free to email me your suggestions (chsydnor@bellsouth.net).

I am putting the series on-hold because of the sale and availability of The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2008 and I see a pattern of behavior that disturbs me.

The Book of Discipline
of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2008 has been published and is on sale.

I am amazed at how casual we are about The Book of Discipline. As a journalist and as the Editor of The Christian Recorder, I have to be in a listening mode and from what I am hearing, it seems that the expectation for purchasing The Discipline is the same casual attitude that we have for subscribing to the periodicals of the AME Church. The expectation for The Discipline seems to be that every pastor will purchase The Book of Discipline, and there seems to be no “fire in the hole” for the officers and members of the local church to purchase The Book of Discipline.

My guess is, in those episcopal districts, where purchase of The Discipline goes through the presiding elders, that if each pastor purchases The Discipline, the requirement will be met.

The minimum requirement should be that the pastor, all of the stewards, trustees and those on the ministerial staff purchase The Book of Discipline. The expectation should be that all officers and heads of organizations, Church School Superintendent and members, who love the AME Church, purchase The Book of Discipline.

So what is the problem?

So many of us are in a minimalist frame of thinking and we seek to meet the bare minimum requirements because we have an “eagle raised by chickens’ mentality.” We don’t think that we can soar to the high reaches of the sky; so with the eagle raised by chickens’ mentality,” we are satisfied scratching in the dirt and thinking that “everyone else’s ice is colder than our ice.” The minimalist mindset does not allow us to believe that “the sky is the limit,” so we do what we have to do “to get by, no more, no less.” The truth of the matter is that the pastor, clergy, and all officers in the local church should possess The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2008. Organizations are healthier and more effective when everyone in the organization “plays by the same rules.”

For instance, in the case of subscribing to the AME periodicals, most pastors subscribe to The Christian Recorder and to one other periodical and call it a day; and probably rarely invite others in the congregation to subscribe to the various periodicals of the AME Church. The same is true for the utilization of the AMEC Church School materials. We have churches that will use any materials except the AME Church School quarterlies. I have even heard of one member of the clergy who encouraged people to use other materials or to develop their own church school materials.

I teach Church School and we use the AME materials and they are wonderful, if those teaching will develop lesson plans and do some outside research. If teachers use the Church School lessons “winging it and without prior study, it is hard. I have said enough about the Church School materials; let me get back to The Book of Discipline.

A couple of years ago, a pastor told me that he hadn’t purchased the current Book of Discipline because he didn’t see that there was any difference between the older Discipline and the, then, current Discipline. Obviously, had had not read either the older Discipline he said he had, and of course had not read the current Discipline. There are laity who operate under the same illusion.

The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2008 has changed. First and foremost, The Mission and Purpose of the Church has changed. Another significant change includes the procedure for how Stewardesses assist the celebrants in washing before the Communion ritual. The Appendices/Rules for Governing the Conduct of the General Conference, the Connectional Budget, the AME Church logo and other significant changes have been made in The Discipline.

The business of the Church, both on the Connectional level and in local churches will be more efficient, if we follow the rules of the Church, i.e., The Discipline, rather than our own rules.

Pastors and those who make decisions for the local church should not have to be told to purchase The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2008. Pastors should not have to be told to purchase Church School materials from the AMEC Sunday School Union. Anybody who wants to go into the Itinerant or local ministry of the AME Church should not have to be told to subscribe to all AMEC periodicals. We should want to be knowledgeable about the organization we serve.

I would suspect that if pastors took a box of The Disciplines to their local churches, they could sell them in a matter of minutes. People respond when they are called upon and invited to participate. For instance, many people join a local church because somebody invited them to the worship service or to participate in one of the local church programs. If a pastor invited and encouraged members to purchase The Discipline or to subscribe to the AME periodicals, people would be motivated and excited to participate and comply. The problem is, members are not encouraged or invited to purchase The Discipline or to subscribe to the AME periodicals. Too many churches and pastors are stuck in “the eagle raised by chickens’ mentality” and the reason we have not achieved our highest goals is because so many of us seek to meet the bare minimum requirements, and we don’t think that we can soar to the high reaches of the sky. We are satisfied scratching in the dirt and thinking that “everyone else’s ice is colder than our ice.”

The minimalist frame of thinking does not allow us to believe that “the sky is the limit,” so we do what we have to do “to get by; no more, no less."

The sad part of all of this is that the frame of thinking that we use in the church is the same frame of thinking that we use in other areas of our lives. We do just enough to get by; in our homes, on the job, in school, in our relationships, and in our spiritual lives, “no more, no less” and that’s the “eagle raised by chickens’ mentality.”


To the Editor:

RE: Can Marketing Save Denominations?

The primary strength of the AME Church in Texas was, and is, the small rural church; congregations of 5 to 25 members, mostly family, attending every Sunday for Sunday School and on alternate Sundays for worship; and alternating with the Baptist churches for worship. The members of those churches were sometimes referred to as Methodist-Baptists because the people attended the AME Church on two Sundays and the Baptist church on two Sundays.

Most of the pastors were bi-vocational, some holding white-collar positions and others as laborers in the community. On Sundays they served as pastors. Over time the focus changed and pastors were encouraged to change these churches to "every-Sunday" churches. Pastors were also "encouraged" to become full-time ministers rather than bi-vocational; placing an additional financial burden on local churches. We lost some members because they missed the fellowship of the community worship experience in alternating Sundays. They had to decide between a Methodist and Baptist; but they really wanted both. Some changed to other denominations.

Now, we are focus on the "mega-church." The small congregations are virtually ignored, except for financial obligations.

The pastors of the small churches are treated as second-class pastors and many just mark time until they can get a "better" appointment.

Formerly, bi-vocational pastors were not considered second-class citizens and were able to establish a long-term relationship with their churches and congregations.
An example of the caste-system within the pastoral ministry is the status of local preachers. The local preacher was very important to the continuity of the church since he/she would not be reassigned each year. The members looked forward to the periodic visits of the Presiding Elder.

I suggest we return to our roots by placing more emphasis on the small family church ministry; encourage pastors to be bi-vocational and raise the status of the local preachers; this is one preacher's opinion. After all, heaven rejoices over one soul saved.

Pastor Al Paris


Sister Sandra K. Woods

Fisk University Alumni Reunion 2009 was held at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel, May 1-4, 2009 in Nashville, Tennessee. During the Alumni Gala Banquet on May 2, the roll call included the Golden Class of 1959, the Silver Class of 1984 and other classes ending in years with the number four and five. They reported a combined gift to Fisk University of approximately one-half million dollars.

Mrs. Tommie Buford Dawson, class of 1934, in celebration of the diamond jubilee year of her graduation from Fisk, was honored and recognized for her continued support of her alma mater by the Honorable Hazel R. O’Leary ‘59, President of Fisk University and Mrs. Denise Billye Sanders, JD ‘74, Chair, General Alumni Association of Fisk University, Inc.

Dawson is a life-long member of Nashville’s St. John African Methodist Episcopal Church; the Reverend W. Antoni Sinkfield is the pastors. She was a member of the Tennessee Conference Choir for thirty years and the Thirteenth Episcopal District Choir, participating in six General Conferences and the Bicentennial Celebration of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1995 Deaconess Dawson was consecrated by the late Bishop Vernon Randolph Byrd upon the recommendation of her pastor, the late Reverend Charles A. Jones and the Official Board of St. John Church.

A revered music educator, having completed her graduate studies at Columbia University in New York City, Mrs. Dawson directed the choral music program at Meigs High School in Nashville, Tennessee for thirty-six years. Prior to her tenure in Nashville, she taught music and directed choral groups in Kentucky, North Carolina, and South Carolina, including secondary schools and Elizabeth City Teachers’ College in North Carolina for total of ten years.


New Interactive Website Launched to Engage the Growing Support among Faith Communities for Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, DC – June 10, 2009 — Today leading Christian voices joined together to launch Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform’s renewed effort for compassionate reform in anticipation of upcoming White House meetings. Religious leaders on the call discussed the growing need for immigration reform and announced the launch of a new website and statement of principles as part of coordinated efforts within the faith community to pass comprehensive immigration legislation.

The nation is experiencing a growing movement and political will for humane and practical solutions to fix our broken immigration system. The faith community is prepared to support and help President Obama achieve his campaign promise to address immigration reform. A new statement of immigration reform principles was released today that calls on President Obama to provide leadership by fostering civil dialogue on immigration that reflects the best of our nation’s civic and moral values. Twenty eight national organizations and over forty prominent faith leaders have signed the statement calling for change in our nation’s immigration system.

To support the growing grassroots movement for immigration reform, a new interactive website was also launched, www.faithandimmigration.org, that is designed to equip the faith community to engage in the immigration debate. This site features organizing resources and a clearinghouse of information on the need for immigration reform and the role the faith community can play in supporting reform efforts.

Video recording: http://faithandimmigration.org/pressroom

Interviews: All of the spokespeople are available for interviews.
Jason Gedeik: 202-745-4633 / jgedeik@sojo.net

Highlights from the Discussion:

The Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

“Every day that passes without Comprehensive Immigration Reform adds tarnish to the soul of our Nation. Embedded within the Historical election of 2008 lies a clarion call and a prophetic supplication for national unity accompanied by an alignment of our core values. Values that include both security and compassion, the rule of law and welcoming the stranger, mercy and justice.

We applaud our President and declare that we stand with him as he demonstrates that he is a man of his word. A word promised in the campaign to the immigrant and Hispanic community. A word affirmed and reiterated to the Hispanic Congressional Caucus earlier this year. Mr. President, this is the year. This is the year for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The window is open in 2009. We understand the political realities of 2010 and pray that in 2009 you do not forget about a very important number. That number is 12 million people living in the shadows.

At the end of the day, the next few months will either see Hope make a pathway or Fear shut the doors. My prayer is that one year from know we can say Hope silenced despair, faith triumphed over fear and our Nation’s soul is saved once more. “

Noel Casellanos, CEO, Christian Community Development Association:

“Our current immigration policy is killing people, and border enforcement alone is not the answer. Let’s fix our current system instead of leaving families living in fear. As a minister of the Gospel that sees the negative impact of our current immigration system in the lives of my neighbors everyday, I, along with my colleagues, call for a full commitment from our government to fix our broken immigration policy today! Throughout our nation, parents are being separated from their children and families are being devastated as a result of an immigration policy that focuses more on deporting moms and dads than on reforming a broken system. “

The Right Reverend Vashti McKenzie, Bishop, African Methodist Episcopal Church:

“Working on the issue of immigration is healthy for America. It is healthy for our economy and it is healthy for everyone. It is too easy for us to fall into an “us versus them” position. Black vs. brown, Pacific Rim vs. the Caribbean, the Caribbean vs. Euro-centric. We don’t have time to be divided and to be fractioned… but this is a time for us to come together and issue a clarion call for all faith communities to unite in the name of humanity and the name of compassion. We have within the capacity, the intellect and the heart to develop the legislation that brings all of us together.

We who are Americans of African descent understand what it means to have our families separated because of politics and policies. Our ancestors of African descent saw husbands and wives separated and children sold to other locations. We understand what it means to be forced into marginalized jobs and less than minimum wage jobs. We understand what it means to be victimized by systems that depended upon our weaknesses and then profit by our strengths. We have to proceed. This is the urgency of now. We cannot procrastinate any longer. This is the time to bring real and meaningful immigration reform to the United States of America. We have the opportunity to make sure democracy works through practice and policy.”

The Rev. Jim Wallis, Founder and president of Sojourners; the largest network of progressive Christians in the United States, and best-selling author of God’s Politics and The Great Awakening

“This is the time for comprehensive immigration reform. The President has promised it and the White House is showing a clear commitment to it. There is a meeting next week at the White House on immigration reform, and things are moving and the debate will only intensify.

Second there is a growing movement across the country and a growing unity around support for immigration reform. This issue is deeply rooted in the faith community and it’s important to note that this isn’t a liberal or a “Left” issue, or even an ethnic issue. You see conservative Christian leaders who are Hispanic and African American and Anglo and all are saying that this as a critical matter of faith. This is an issue of faith or not just a political issue or a special interests issue.

You see people doing things and taking action. We were part of an effort that sent 30,000 letters to the Department of Justice to stop Sheriff Arpaio and his racial profiling of Latinos in Arizona. We haven’t seen a response to an action alert like that in some time. We see clergy holding vigils at detention centers calling for just treatment of immigrants that were denied due process. Family values are at stake here. When you are separating families you are getting at the heart of our Christian conviction. You are seeing activity and momentum of a movement across the country. The timing of this is just right and hopefully this fall we will see a real effort from the White House on comprehensive immigration reform. What you’re hearing is a rising tide of the Christian faith saying that this is something that we can no longer ignore.”


The Right Reverend William P. DeVeaux, Presiding Prelate
Dr. “Pam” DeVeaux, Episcopal Supervisor

June 21-24, 2009: General Board and Council of Bishops
Business Sessions: Tuesday and Wednesday, June 23rd and 24th
Investiture: Tues., June 23rd, 7 pm
Council of Bishops Worship Service: Wed., June 24, 9:30 am
Hotel Information:
Sheraton New Orleans Hotel
500 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 525-2500
Reservations: call (888) 627-7033 and mention the AME Church.
Group Rate:
$139 s/d
$159 club level
Cutoff Date: May 15, 2009

July 21-24, 2009: The 2009 Leadership and Ministry Congress
Augusta Marriott Hotel and Suites Conference Center
Two Tenth Street
Augusta, Georgia
The Reverend Mark S. Pierson, Host Pastor
The Reverend James Lawson, Co-Host Pastor
The Reverend Ella M. Samuels, Host Presiding Elder

July 26-30, 2009 Connectional Lay Biennial

Peabody Hotel
Three Statehouse Plaza
Little Rock, AR

October 15-17, 2009 Mid-Year Convocation
Saint Paul, Macon
2501 Shurling Drive
Macon, GA 31211
TEL 478-745-0507
The Reverend Ronald Slaughter, Host Pastor
The Reverend Benjamin Ridley, Host Presiding Elder

October 29-31, 2009: Deliverance Women’s Conference
The Cathedral of Turner Chapel
492 N. Marietta Parkway
Marietta, GA 30060
TEL 770-220-1770*
Dr. Pam DeVeaux, Conference Convener
Dr. Sherell V. Crawford, Conference Coordinator
*SED Office Number

February 1-4, 2010 Isaac R. Clark Pastors’ and Music Conference / 116th Founders’ Day Convocation
Turner Theological Seminary/ITC
702 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314
TEL: 404-527-0080
FAX: 404-527-4687
Dr. John F. Green, President/Dean

February 17, 2010 Ash Wednesday

February 18-20, 2010 Founder’s Day Observance
Saint Philip Monumental
P.O. Box 2645
1112 Jefferson Street
Savannah, GA 31401
TEL 912-233-8547
The Reverend George Moore, Jr., Host Pastor
The Reverend Dr. John Foster, Co-Host Pastor
The Reverend J. E. Taylor, Host Presiding Elder
The Reverend R. Nathaniel Neal, Co-Host Presiding Elder

March 6, 2010 South Conference YPD Annual Day
March 7, 2010 South Conference DMC Annual Day
March 8, 2010 South Conference WMS Annual Day

March 9-11, 2010 South Georgia Annual Conference

Saint Thomas AME Church
700 North Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792
TEL 229-227-0227
The Reverend Clement Choice, Host Pastor
The Reverend Harvey Williamson, Host Presiding Elder

March 20, 2010 Southwest Conference YPD Annual Day
March 21, 2010 Southwest Conference DMC Annual Day
March 22, 2010 Southwest Conference WMS Annual Day

March 23-25, 2010 Southwest Georgia Annual Conference
Saint Paul, Columbus*
4900 Saint Mary’s Road
Columbus, GA 31907
TEL: 706-682-2927
The Reverend James A. Alexander, Host Pastor
The Reverend Elijah Smith, Host Presiding Elder

*The Opening Worship will be held at Saint James A.M.E., the Reverend Richard A. Washington, pastor; the Reverend Dr. Karl Colquitt serves as the Presiding Elder.

The closing Worship will be held at Saint John A.M.E., where the Reverend Dr. Debora F. Grant serves as the pastor and the Reverend Dr. Karl Colquitt serves as the Presiding Elder.

March 28, 2010 Palm Sunday
March 29-April 3, 2010 Holy Week
April 4, 2010 Easter Sunday

April 5, 2010 Georgia Conference WMS Annual Day

April 6-8, 2010 Georgia Annual Conference

Bethel, Hinesville
P.O. Box 1429
233 Cause Street
Hinesville, GA 31313

TEL 912-368-5094
FAX 912-369-2437
The Reverend Richie Williams, Host Pastor
The Reverend J. E. Taylor, Host Presiding Elder

April 10, 2010 Georgia Conference YPD Day
April 11, 2010 Georgia Conference DMC Day

April 17, 2010 Augusta Conference YPD Day
April 18, 2010 Augusta Conference DMC Day
April 19, 2010 Augusta Conference WMS Day

April 20-22, 2010 Augusta Georgia Annual Conference
Saint Paul
306 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue
Vidalia, GA 30474
TEL 912-537-4872
FAX 912-537-4037
The Reverend Richard Q. Ward, Sr., Host Presiding Elder

May 1, 2010 Macon Georgia Conference YPD Day
May 2, 2010 Macon Georgia Conference DMC Day
May 3, 2010 Macon Georgia Conference WMS Day

May 4-6, 2010 Macon Georgia Annual Conference
Greater Allen Chapel
269 Pursley Street
Macon, GA 31201
TEL 478-745-4646
FAX 478-745-8408
The Reverend Billy G. McFadden, Host Pastor
The Reverend David L. Moore, Host Presiding Elder

May 15, 2010 Atlanta-North Georgia Conference YPD Day
May 16, 2010 Atlanta-North Georgia Conference DMC Day
May 17, 2010 Atlanta-North Georgia Conference WMS Day

May 18-20, 2010 Atlanta-North Georgia Annual Conference

Saint Mark
3605 Campbellton Road SW
Atlanta, GA 30331
TEL 404-349-6800
The Reverend Larry Hudson, Host Pastor
The Reverend Dr. Charles W. Bennett, Host Presiding Elder


The Rev. N. T. Pitts

If I had a dollar for every time I was told “be careful”, by my parents when I was growing up, I would be a millionaire. Of all of the many things I was taught as a young boy that advice has sustained me throughout my whole life. No matter what I undertook to do, I could always hear “be careful”. If I went out to mend a broken fence, cut wood, go pick blackberries, or whatever, I would hear, “be careful”.
Webster defines “careful” as being prudent, vigilant and cautious.

Be careful what you say
Be careful where you go
Be careful who you associate with
Be careful what you ask for
Be careful how you treat others
Be careful how you handle your money
Be careful how you dress
Be careful how you chose your friends
Be careful how you treat strangers

When we find ourselves in an unexpected predicament, you can rest assured that somewhere along the way we had not been “careful.”

When things surface and our lives are interrupted, we often ask the question, “Why me?”

But, if we took time and look retrospectively we would soon realize that we had not been “careful.”

I have always espoused the concept of “Investigate, evaluate before you participate.” I have offered this advice many times, especially to our youth. There are many of our youth who are now incarcerated and some have lost their lives all because they were not “careful.” They were not “careful” of the company they kept and they were not “careful” where they went.

Haman was not “careful” when he plotted evil against Mordecai. He ended up being hanged on the very gallows he built for Mordecai (Esther 7:10).

The old expression still stands “When you dig a hole for somebody you’d better dig two.”

The Prodigal son was not “careful” how he spent his money. He ended up dinning with swine (Luke 15:12-24).

I think that is what Paul was saying in his letter to the Ephesians, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.” (Ephesians 5:15) Paul was saying, “Be careful.”

Being “careful” does not make one neurotic. If you are not “careful,” somebody will use you. If you are not “careful” your past will come back to haunt you. If you are not “careful,” regret will come knocking at your door. If you are not “careful,” you may be confronted with unwanted embarrassment. If you are not “careful,” it could be very expensive. Finally, if you are not “careful,” it can even cost you your life.

So, at this age, the advice still rings in my ear, “be careful.”

Even when I left to enter the military many years ago, the last thing I heard from my mother was, “be careful.”

I pass this admonition on to each of you, “be careful.”

Whenever you find the time please read Matthew 10: 16-22

*The Rev. N.T. Pitts is a retired pastor living in Eatonville, Florida


We regret to announce the passing of Mrs. Lois White Norris. She was the sister of the late Bishop Robert L. Pruitt and the sister in law to the late Bishop Donald G. K. Ming. Mrs. Norris was also the sister of the deceased Episcopal Supervisors, Mrs. Edith Ming and Mrs. Mildred Lofton. The following information has been provided regarding funeral arrangements.

Viewing and Funeral Service - Friday, June 12, 2009
Viewing - 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Funeral - 10:00 a.m.

Jones Tabernacle A.M.E. Church
2021 W. Diamond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Phone: 215-236-3028
Fax: 215-236-3085

The Rev. Stephen M. Lewis, Pastor

Services entrusted to:
Congleton Funeral Home
67 W. Logan Street
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-849-7327
Fax: 215-849-4782

Condolences may be sent to her daughter:

Mrs. Sherry McFarland and family
718 N. 49th Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19143


We announce with regret the passing of Mrs. Rhudene Reeves Ashford. She was the wife of Retired Presiding Elder George A. Ashford, Sr., mother of three children: Ms. Vanessa Ashford Bussey, Mrs. Valerie (Alvin) Ashford Brown and the Rev. George A. (Olisa) Ashford, II and grandmother of four grandchildren. Mrs. Ashford passed away on Saturday, June 6, 2009.

The following information has been provided regarding funeral arrangements:

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Family Visitation: 6:00 p. m. - 7:00 p.m.
Palmer Memorial Chapel
1200 Fontaine Place
Columbia, SC 29204
Phone: (803) 786-6300
Fax: (803) 786-8002
Website: www.palmermemorialchapel.com

Friday, June 12, 2009
Lay-In-State/Viewing: 10:00 a. m.
Funeral: 12:00 noon
Bethel AMEC
819 Woodrow Street
Columbia, SC 29205
Phone: (803) 779-0138
Fax: (803) 779-7243
Email: bethel819@hotmail.com

The Rev. Dr. Ronnie E. Brailsford, Pastor/Eulogist/Words of Comfort
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Bowman, worship leader

Professional services provided by:
Palmer Memorial Chapel

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to:
Rhudene Ashford Educational Fund
327 Torwood Drive
Columbia, SC 29203
Phone: (803) 786-4928

Expressions of Sympathy and Condolences may be sent to:

The Rev. George A. Ashford, Sr. and Family
327 Torwood Drive
Columbia, SC 29203
Phone: (803) 786-4928
Email: vabrown1767@gmail.com


We regret to announce the passing of the Reverend Wendel Abel, retired pastor in the Indiana Conference of the 4th Episcopal District and a member of many AME Church General Conferences. He also served as a Chaplain and served on the Chaplain Commission.

Service Arrangements for the Reverend Wendel Abel:

Saturday, June 13, 2009
11:00 a.m.
St. John A.M.E. Church
1669 Columbia Avenue
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: (317) 924-4044

Friday, June 12, 2009
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
St. John AME Church

Professional services provided by:
Stuart Mortuary
2201 N. Illinois
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Phone: (317) 925-3000
Fax: (317) 925-3204

Condolences and expressions of sympathy may be sent to:

Wendy Abel or Ally Abel-Branch
5706 La Vista Drive
Dallas, Texas 75206

Expressions of sympathy may also be emailed to:



We regret to inform you of the passing of the Reverend Shawanda Jenkins Parker, pastor of St. Matthew A.M.E. Church in Clarksville, Tennessee.

The Reverend Shawanda Jenkins Parker passed on Sunday, June 7, 2009.

Service arrangements:

Friday, June 12, 2009
Wake: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Henry Smith Funeral Home
335 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
Phone: (931) 648-7044
FAX: (931) 648-7046

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Funeral: 11:00 AM
Greater Ebenezer AME Church
131 Edmondson Ferry Drive
Clarksville, TN 37040
Phone: (931) 648-0881

The Reverend Alexander Gatson - Pastor, Officiating

The Reverend Ralph Johnson (father in ministry) will be the eulogist, is the presiding elder of the Louisville-Paducah District, West Kentucky Annual Conference.

Condolences and expressions of sympathy may be sent to her spouse:

Mr. John P. Parker & Family
294 Trevino Trail
Springfield, TN 37172-4771
Phone: (615) 382-4308
Cell: (615) 424-6993)


We announce with regret the passing of Mrs. Lessie V. Houston of Cleveland, Ohio. She was the sister of Mrs. Vivian Hilton and the sister-in-law of Rev. J. W. Hilton, Jr., the Presiding Elder of the Jackson Vicksburg District of the South Mississippi Annual Conference, 8th Episcopal District; Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Presiding Prelate. Mrs. Lessie V. Houston passed on Friday, June 5. 2009.

Service Arrangements for Mrs. Lessie V. Houston:

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wake/Family Hour: 10:30 AM
Funeral: 11:00 AM
Jeremiah Baptist Church
11317 Union Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44105
Phone: (216) 561-2292

Arrangements are being handled by:
H. M. Martin Funeral Chapel
3856 East 131st Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44120
Phone (216) 751-4300
Fax: (216) 283-7596

Condolences may be sent to:
Mr. Claude Houston
16312 Invermere Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44128
Phone (216) 561-2158

And to:

Presiding Elder and Mrs. (Vivian) J. W. Hilton, Jr.
5520 Dolphin Drive
Jackson, MS 39209-4509
Phone: (601) 672-5240

Expressions of sympathy may also be emailed to:

Presiding Elder & Mrs. J. W. Hilton, Jr.: jwhilton040549@yahoo.com


The Clergy Family Information Center
Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Chair
Commission on Social Action

Mrs. Ora L. Easley, Administrator
AMEC Clergy Family Information Center
E-mail: Amespouses1@bellsouth.net
Phone: (615) 837-9736
Voice Mail: (615) 833-6936
Fax: (615) 833-3781
Cell: (615) 403-7751


The Chair of the Commission on Publications, the Right Reverend Richard Franklin Norris; the Publisher, the Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour and the Editor of The Christian Recorder, the Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III offer our condolences and prayers to those who have lost loved ones. We pray that the peace of Christ will be with you during this time of your bereavement.