

Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor


The Service of Worship to Celebrate the Life of Dr. Joseph Columbus McKinney was held yesterday at Metropolitan AME Church, where the Reverend Dr. Ronald Braxton is the pastor. People came from far and near and the crowded streets of Washington were made more crowded by the people who came to attend the homegoing of Dr. Joseph C. McKinney. The streets around Metropolitan AME Church were full of cars; automobiles blocked M Street that runs in front of the church and cars traveling across 15th street were caught in a traffic logjam. The sidewalk was full of people and pedestrians had to “work” their way through the crowded sidewalk. The main level of the sanctuary was almost filled to capacity.

The Bishops of the Church and General Officers, except those who were in annual conferences and attending funerals for their own family members attended the funeral. The Bishops of the Church filled the pulpit area. The General Officers filled the chancel area and the retired and former General Officers occupied the forward pews, along with presiding elders and preachers. The church was filled with laypersons and the choir loft was filled to capacity.

The host bishop, the Right Reverend Adam Jefferson Richardson, presiding prelate of the Second Episcopal District, was the worship leader and he, and the bishops of the Church and the worship participants modeled liturgical decorum, while at the same time, maintained in worship, the high presence of the Holy Spirit.

The choir was composed of members from Metropolitan AME Church, the host church for the funeral; Ward Memorial AME Church where Dr. McKinney was a member; and members of the Annual Conference Choir. They sang magnificently and added to the spiritual atmosphere of the service. Mrs. Susan Todd Edwards was the organist. It was AME worship at its best. Mr. William E. Ayers, Jr. and Ms. Miriam A. Dixon led in the choral presentation, “Let Mount Zion Rejoice.” General Officer, Dr. Richard Lewis, AMEC Treasurer sang, “If I can help somebody…my living will not be in vain.” One could feel the “Sweet, Sweet Spirit in that place.” And, of that was not enough, Mrs. Annie Lewis, the sister of Dr. McKinney from Magnolia, North Carolina lifted the Spirit with a spirited selection that brought many of the congregants to their feet.

Dr. McKinney’s son, Mr. Maurice McKinney gave moving remarks about his dad and it was apparent that they had a warm father-son relationship. He said that some called his father, “Dr. McKinney,” others called him “Joe,” his mother called him, “Joseph” and he called him, “Dad.” He gave a moving tribute his dad. Dr. McKinney’s nephew, Mr. Howard C. Davis, Jr., also delivered heartfelt remarks.

The Reverends Conrad K. Pridgen, Ronald Braxton, Henry L. Seawright, Granger Browning, Norman W. Handy, Jr., Jonathan Weaver, and Richard E. Tankerson were worship participants. Dr. Dennis Dickerson, President of the General Officers and retired General Officer, Dr. Jamye Coleman Williams gave rousing tributes to the life and work of Dr. McKinney. Other worship participants included, Mr. Malcoln Lea, Mrs. Vinnie Q. Miller, Mrs. Jamesina Evans, President of the Women’s Missionary Society, Mr. Robert Nicolas, Dr. Jesse Burns, President, Connectional Lay Organization, and Mr. Isiah O. Sewell. Bishop Richard Allen Chappelle, President of the Council of Bishops shared experiences he and Dr. McKinney shared as General Officers and extended condolences on behalf of the African Methodist Episcopal Church to the family.

And, the best is saved for last. Retired Bishop, the Right Reverend John Hurst Adams, delivered the eulogy, and it was a eulogy in the truest sense. He began the eulogy with the statement, “If I make Joe McKinney sound like he was too good to be true, that the way I felt about him.”

Bishop Adams enjoys preaching and interacting in a congregational setting. When he gets up to preach or deliver a eulogy one can see the sparkle in his eyes; and he had a sparkle when he delivered the eulogy for Dr. Joseph McKinney, whom he called, “Doc.” He described “Doc” as a strong leader and devoted churchman. Bishop Adams recalled that it was Dr. McKinney’s influence that solidified the move of Ebenezer AME Church; to its current location in Fort Washington, Maryland and now Ebenezer is one the largest congregations in America.

Bishop Adams lifted every emotion with his wit and serious presentation. He went to describe Dr. McKinney as possessing the best gifts from God, explaining that Dr. McKinney had the gift of consummate people skills. He went on the say, “Doc had a Ph.D. in Negroes” and had done post-graduate work in, “AME Negroes.” Bishop Adams weaved the stories with seriousness and levity. The bishop has a gift of “working a congregation.” He went on to add that Dr. Joseph Columbus McKinney had the enormous capacity to care, was compelled to help, and had the gift of complete intelligence. He went on say, ”Dr. McKinney was spiritually intelligent, theologically intelligent, morally intelligent, socially intelligent and AME intelligent. He added that one of the best lessons that Dr. McKinney taught him was the "ministry of presence" and how important it is "to be there when people are hurting."

It was evident that Dr, McKinney and Bishop Adams had a deep relationship and the family seemed moved by the comforting words shared by Bishop Adams.


Mrs. Malinda Watts is the 8th Episcopal District YPD Director. She was listed in the article as the Conference YPD director. Additionally, the two areas that served as command centers for AME Church support was Malinda Watts' School (where she teaches kindergarten), West Elementary School and Gaston Point Elementary, which is less than a mile away. The principal of Gaston Point Elementary is Dr. Wanda Bradley, a member of St. Paul AME Church.
Submitted by the Rev. Cory Watts505 Whitehall St. SW, Suite 307Atlanta, GA 30303


Many of you may had heard or read my letter or statement of observation to the
A. M. E. Christian Recorder Online, which appeared in the September 12, 2005 issue regarding the visibility and mass support of clergy assisting, comforting, ministering and consoling the people affected by Hurricane Katrina through Pastoral counseling, mental health or professional counseling who are right now angry at God and the church.

I also stated that I felt a call by God to journey on a mission to one of the disaster sites. On Thursday Sept 22, 2005, the Red Cross not only provided me training, but also has confirmed my deployment to the affected areas. I will be traveling to the affected areas of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita to provide support and counseling.

Please keep my family and me in prayer as God will take me there and bring me back safely.

God's man Servant
The Reverend Gregory Ball Sr. Pastor
Brown's A.M.E. church, Smithfield Virginia


Women's Missionary Society Executive Board and Training Session, January 25 - 28, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 151 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Registration Fee for Executive Board is $185.00 (if postmarked before December 19, 2005, $200.00 after December 19, 2005). Registration Fee for Executive Board and Leadership Symposium is $205.00. Late Registration Fee is an additional $15.00. On-site Registration fee is an additional $25.00.
You may visit the official Website for the WMS by clicking Connectional WMS

Registration Forms will be available in The Christian Recorder and The Missionary Magazine.

Mrs. Jamesina M. Evans,
Connectional President


Bread for the World Leads Effort by Heads of Faith Communities to Combat Hunger in the United States

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Every member of Congress will receive a letter today from a prominent group of Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders asking representatives to protect the Food Stamp Program from funding cuts during the federal budget reconciliation process. This letter is the next step in the anti-hunger efforts of leaders who came together on June 6, 2005, for the first Interfaith Convocation on Hunger at the National Cathedral, representing more than 100 million people of faith, to call on Congress and the President to make a new national commitment to fight hunger. This diverse group of signers includes Rt. Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Sr., Senior Bishop, African Methodist Episcopal Church.

"It is unthinkable that in a time when hunger and poverty are on the rise in the United States, Congress is considering trying to balance the budget on the backs of hungry and poor people," said Rev. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World. "Hurricane Katrina exposed poverty anew to our nation and highlighted the importance of supporting safety-net programs for those in need.

The religious leaders are sending the letter appended below to Congress and are imploring our representatives to listen to the will of the American people and protect the food stamp program."

The text of the letter follows:

Care for hungry people is a mandate for every major religious tradition. As leaders from many of these traditions, we appeal to you to protect the Food Stamp Program from cuts in the current budget process.

Food stamps are the frontline defense against hunger for many of the most vulnerable members of our society. More than 50 percent of food stamp beneficiaries are children. Virtually all of the rest are seniors, people with disabilities, or those making the transition from welfare to work. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, one of the first actions authorities undertook was distribution of food stamps, tapping a program that has helped curb hunger for 40 years.

Although we understand the challenge you face in finding $3 billion in savings from the Agriculture Committee, budget constraints do not release us from our obligation to care for poor and vulnerable people. It would be a moral failure to take those cuts from the Food Stamp Program. The number of people experiencing hunger in the United States has been on the rise and our national nutrition programs are as important as they've ever been. The unprecedented destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina will force many more people to depend on the federal nutrition programs.

On June 6, 2005, many of us participated with a group of more than 40 religious leaders in the first Interfaith Convocation on Hunger at the Washington National Cathedral. This event was unique in U.S. religious history because of the diversity and level of responsibility of the religious leaders involved. All of us were able to come together to call for an end to hunger. This issue is one on which we all agree.

In a deeply religious country like the United States, it is no surprise that the majority of Americans also believe that fighting hunger is an issue of utmost importance. A recent poll conducted by Jim McLaughlin for the Alliance to End Hunger found that 75 percent of likely voters say that even in a tight budget year, the Food Stamp Program should be protected from cuts.

More than one in six children (13 million) in the United States live in households that struggle to put food on the table, giving us the highest rate of childhood hunger in the industrialized world. We implore you to reject a budget that would deprive more working families of food for their children. Any such reductions would break our national commitment to help hard-working people who struggle daily to feed their families and build better lives.

The budget must reflect the best of our nation's moral values: our resolve that poor and vulnerable people not go hungry.

Note: Bread for the World is a 54,000-member Christian citizens' movement against hunger.

Founded in 1974, Bread for the World's members have lobbied Congress and the administration to bring about public policy changes that address the root causes of hunger and poverty in the United States and overseas.

Bread for the World is a nonpartisan organization supported by 45 denominations, including the AME Church, and many theological perspectives. Please visit our Web site at <http://www.bread.org/>.


26Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road – the desert road – that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” …27On his way he met an Ethiopian…official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. 29The Spirit told Philip, ”Go to that chariot and stay near it.” Acts 8: 26, 27, & 29

The work of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ’s coming is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit uses us as conduits through which “rivers of living water can flow.” Our job is to be yielded and obedient to the direction of the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit carries out His plan of redemption of all human kind. The biblical narrative of the Holy Spirit’s use of Philip gives us insight into the work of the Holy Spirit in sharing the gospel.

1. v. 26 – The Holy Spirit will put you in the right place at the right time. (Acts 16: 15-34) – Where you are, is the right place and right time for the Holy Spirit to use you to spread the gospel. Paul and Silas were in jail and the Holy Spirit used them to save the jailer and his family. You are in God’s place for you.

2. v. 27 – The Holy Spirit produces or orchestrates contact with others. Yes. It is His will that you made contact with this person. Trust the Holy Spirit in what the Holy Spirit is doing. God loves this person and wants to bring them into right relationship with Himself.

3. v. 29 – The Holy Spirit commands us to go with the Holy Spirit’s interests toward others. We must draw near to others with the Holy Spirit’s goals in mind, not our own. No biases, assumptions, or human sympathy is to be allowed. These can disrupt our submission to the Holy Spirit as our interests toward others influence us. Let us see others through The Holy Spirit’s eyes.

4. v. 30 – The Holy Spirit has already “primed the pump” so the Spirit can flow. People are constantly being made ready for the gospel. We may be those who experience the flow of the Spirit in sharing with others or those who are being used to “prime the pump” for The Holy Spirit’s work later in someone’s life.

5. vv. 31-35 – The Holy Spirit produces questions in people’s lives that can only be answered by the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are presenting issues that may seem unrelated to the gospel of Jesus Christ. These are our opportunities to connect to others in their place of need. (Acts 17: 22-34) Christ is the answer. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in sharing the gospel in a manner that is relevant to the person with whom you are speaking.

6. v. 36 – The Holy Spirit changes the heart of the hearer, not the person who shares the gospel. People respond to the call of the Spirit Christ saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” (John 7: 37) There is no pressure on us to perform or to achieve results – it is The Holy Spirit’s work to fulfill, The Holy Spirit only calls us to be faithful.

7. vv. 36-39 - The Holy Spirit will direct you in how to “close the deal.” New believers desire to express their new relationship with Christ (Acts 16: 33). Baptism and public prayer are outward signs of an inward transformation. (Romans 10: 9-13) Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified. It is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

The work of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ’s coming is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit uses us as conduits through which “rivers of living water can flow.” Our job is to be yielded and obedient to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor James M. Moody, Sr. Quinn Chapel AME Church2401 South Wabash AvenueChicago, Illinois 60616


Regretfully we share news of the passing of The Reverend Howard Clark, a retired minister who was a former Pastor in the 13th Episcopal District. Reverend Clark passed on Friday, September 16, 2005 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Services for Reverend Clark were entrusted to:
Boatwright Funeral Home
2163 N. Illinois Street
Indianapolis, Indiana
317.931.1956 (Phone)
317.931.1955 (Fax)


Friday, September 23, 2005
Visitation: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Funeral Service: 11:30 AM

A Family Dinner will follow the services:
Bethel AME Church414 W. Vermont StreetIndianapolis, IN 46202317-634-7002 (phone)
317-634-0923 (fax)
The Reverend Dr. John L Lambert, Pastor

Condolences may be sent to his wife, Ardane Clark c/o of Boatwright Funeral Home or to Bethel AME Church.

Or condolences may be sent to:
Mrs. Ardane Clark
Springfield Nursing Home
6130 North Michigan Road
Indianapolis, IN 46208


Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Chair
Commission on Social Action Clergy Family Information Center

Mrs. Ora L. Easley - Administrator Email: Amespouses1@aol.com
(Nashville, Tennessee Contact) Phone: (615) 837-9736 Fax: (615) 833-3781
(Memphis, Tennessee Contact) (901) 578-4554 (Phone & Fax)

Please remember these families in your prayers.


The Chair of the Commission on Publications, the Right Reverend Gregory G. M. Ingram; the Publisher, the Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour and the Editor of the Christian Recorder, the Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III offer our condolences and prayers to those who have lost loved ones. We pray that the peace of Christ will be with you during this time of your bereavement.



Women's Missionary Society Executive Board and Training Session, January 25 - 28, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 151 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Registration Fee for Executive Board is $185.00. (if postmarked before December 19, 2005, $200.00 after December 19, 2005). Registration Fee for Executive Board and Leadership Symposium is $205.00. Late Registration Fee is an additional $15.00. On-site Registration fee is an additional $25.00. Registration Forms will be available in The Christian Recorder and The Missionary Magazine.

Mrs. Jamesina M. Evans,



Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor


- A tribute from Dr. Dickerson on behalf of the General Officers of the AME Church

On behalf of the active, former, and retired General Officers, we extend our deepest sympathies to the McKinney family. Even in retirement, Dr. McKinney’s presence permeated the episcopacy, the general officer departments and the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. McKinney will be missed.

Dr. Dennis C. Dickerson
Historiographer and Executive Director
Department of Research and Scholarship

- A Tribute given to Dr. Joseph McKinney while he was alive by Dr. Jamye Coleman Williams

A tribute to the late Dr. Joseph C. McKinney appears in the October-December 2004 issue of The A.M.E. Church Review authored by retired General Officer, Dr. Jamye Coleman Williams.

- Tribute from Dr. Richard Lewis, Treasurer

In August 1972, in New York City, I was introduced to Joseph C. McKinney. That first meeting left a lasting impression that has magnified over the years. He was a giant of a man. He was a Christian, a husband, father, grandfather, faithful friend, churchman, mentor and loyal African Methodist. I admired him and saw in him attributes that I wanted in my life.

Later, as our relationship developed, succeeding him was my desire, but I quickly discovered that building upon his foundation has been an awesome task. He was not only the treasurer, but he was a living legend, Church historian and in him, the AME Church had a loyal friend and an extremely competent leader.

With his death, many stories will go untold, but it is a blessing for me to be a recipient of some of those stories. Many of you know that “he was the man with the butter.”

Joseph Columbus McKinney touched many lives in many ways as a member of Ward AME Church, Washington, DC; as a lay leader within the African Methodist Episcopal Church; as Treasurer of the AME Church; as a consultant to many bishops, general officers, and most importantly to lay leaders and members throughout the Connection. Truly, my life will never be the same because of the impact upon my life by Dr. Joseph Columbus McKinney.

The college graduate with majors in electrical engineering, physics and mathematics became the treasurer of the AME Church after leaving a long and successful career with the United States Government. He assumed the job of treasurer with vigor and strength. He organized the AMEC Office of the Treasurer and influenced the church all over the Connection from Washington, DC to the Caribbean and to South Africa. He forged many paths and for that I can say, “God is an Awesome God and to God be the Glory!”

His wife, Maryanne, son Maurice is blessed to have had him as a part of their lives.

As Treasurer, I am forever blessed and grateful to have had him as a consultant, mentor and loyal friend. I share in the loss of this “giant” among men and women and extend my heartfelt sympathies to this beloved family, friends. And, all who knew Joseph B. McKinney.

Dr. Richard Lewis
Treasurer, AMEC

- A tribute from Dr. Dickerson

My special remembrance of Dr. Mc Kinney, of which there are many, was his soothing presence in 1995 when he appeared at my father's funeral at New Bethel A.M.E. Church of Germantown in Philadelphia. It was a low time for my family, so looking up and seeing my senior colleague made the occasion less burdensome for my family and me. He was a thoroughly decent and Christian man.

Dr. Dennis C. Dickerson
Historiographer and Executive Director
Department of Research and Scholarship

- A word from the Editor

- I remember going by and visiting Dr. Joseph McKinney on numerous occasions when I was stationed in Washington, DC. His door was always opened and I learned a lot about the Church and was impressed by his openness and love for the Church. I fondly remember, I believe that it was in 1983, when my wife, Charlotte, was in seminary; lo and behold, she received a stipend in support of her seminary education. Dr. McKinney was a man who held high positions both in the Church and when he was employed in the U.S. Government and yet he was “down to earth” and extended his warm personality to everyone he met.

Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III
Editor, The Christian Recorder


One week and seven hours after Hurricane Katrina destroyed many cities, towns, homes, churches, synagogues and mosques; I journeyed to Jackson, Mississippi with my brother, The Reverend Phil Flowers as my driver and the supervisor of the Sixth Episcopal District, Dr. Pam DeVeaux, a devoted missionary in deed and demonstration joined us in Atlanta, Georgia. Only stopping for gasoline, we drove the mission van loaded with commodities and supplies for the victims of Katrina. I praise God because we had heard so many stories of the challenges and struggles of the long lines and high prices of gasoline, but as-matter-of-fact; we paid less in three states than when we originated in Charleston, South Carolina. God knew we were on a mission!

Upon our exit from the Interstate, we were expecting to see a dark city, but to our surprise, there were lights shining in every direction; as we traveled across the city, automobiles were moving in both directions and a few people were walking on the streets. It was obvious that the city had power failure, building has roof damage and there were numerous fallen trees caused by the hurricane.

We arrived at Pearl Street AME Church in Jackson, Mississippi at approximately 4:50 a.m., eight hours earlier than we expected. Many of the persons in the shelter were asleep, but we were given a big welcome and embraced warmly by many of the workers and the residents. Bishop Henning, Supervisor Parks and the bishop’s sister-in-law, Mrs. J. P. Henning and their team were happy to see us.

Upon our arrival, Dr. Pam DeVeaux, the Episcopal supervisor of the Sixth Episcopal District, who accompanied us, never closed her eyes until she retired very late into the night.

The pain, concern, and burden on the faces of the Bishop and Supervisor Parks were noticeable, but they kept focused - meeting the daily needs of the Pearl Street Command Center and making and receiving calls from other centers in other areas. We graciously tried to assist and to coordinate inbound and outbound shipments of supplies.

- The Office of GWM is grateful to Bishop C. Garnett Henning who released his room to Dr. Pam DeVeaux – there were no hotel rooms within a 50 miles radius of Jackson.

- The Reverend Weakly Chapman, a seminary school-mate, provided sleeping quarters for my brother and me at the home of one of his aspiring ministers – it was just like a hotel!

- I am not sure of the exact number of resident families living in the shelter.

- Persons living in the shelter were transported daily to facilities 25-30 minutes away that provided them an opportunity to take showers and tend to their personal hygiene.

- I observed many AMEs working in the disaster operation, and at various shelters in that area.

- I observed 18- wheelers, 24 foot box trucks, church vans, large pick-up trucks, mini-buses; arriving to the area from all regions of the United States; sometimes unannounced, bringing: commodities, school supplies, household items, non-perishable food, clothing and shoes, furniture, and the list is inexhaustible.

- Supplies had to be off-loaded from inbound trucks and reloaded to other trucks that would be deployed to the various disaster areas. Bishop Henning, Supervisor Parks, students from a seminary in Illinois and pastors teamed together to make the transfer of supplies happen.

- A convoy of two-24 foot box trucks and one 18-wheeler with Bishop Henning riding as a passenger, a mini-bus and a van convoyed from Jackson Mississippi. The 24- foot trucks unloaded its goods at a church command center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Bishop Henning helped offload the trucks. The 18-wheeler and the other team went to an Elementary School in Gulfport, Mississippi that served as the primary AME command center for that region.

- We were met by the Conference Director of the YPD, Mrs. Watts and a host of AMEs and large group of military ROTC cadets who were empowered to help unload the large 18-wheeler.

- It was a tremendous sight to behold…”men and women, boys and girls, different races, denominations and people ethnic groups working together

- Two AME churches, among a number of other churches in the Gulfport area, sustained major water, wind, and structural damages – we had the opportunity to tour those church facilities and minister to pastors and congregation members.

- Three hot meals were prepared and served each day by parishioners of the church for the persons living in the Pearl Street AME Church shelter...great organization.

- Pearl Street AME Church (Pastor Samuel Boyd) used every available space to store the various items for the victims of the storm, to include a rental building across the street from the church.

- Greater Allen AME Church, Jackson, Mississippi (Reverend Weakly Chapman) provided services, goods and commodities to victims in another area of Jackson

- Bishop Henning and Supervisor Parks were provided offices at Pearl Street AME Church.

- The Department of Global Witness and Ministry telephone numbers: (843) 852-2645 or (866) 211-9934.

- Victims affected by Hurricane Katrina can receive cash grants are being offered to victims of the Gulf coast by the organization, “Direct Relief International,” telephone (805) 964-4767, Attn: Ms. Christienne Durbin.

- Personal care packages, i.e., toiletries items for woman are being provided by “Direct Relief International” to Mobile, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

- Many churches and/or congregations coordinated Hurricane Katrina Relief items through the Department of GWM:

DuPage AME Church
DuPage, Illinois
Two - 24 foot box trucks

Ebenezer AME
Evanston, Illinois
Two church vans

Global Witness & Ministry
Charleston, South Carolina
One mission van

Metropolitan AME
Washington, DC
One cargo plane and one - 18-wheeler

Bethel AME
One- 18-wheeler

Women of Destiny
McCormick, South Carolina
Two Vans

Campbell Chapel AME
Bluffton, South Carolina
One van and one 18-wheeler

Saint Matthew AME
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
One 18-wheeler

Williams Chapel
Forsyth, Georgia
One 18-wheeler

Ebenezer AME
Charleston, South Carolina
Five vans

Sue Nichols Taylor
New York
Teams of social workers to the affected areas

Wayman AME Church

McCormick High School
McCormick, South Carolina
One van

Ashdown AME
Ashdown, Arkansas
FedEx supplies

The Executive Director, GWM, Dr. George Flowers presented a Check of $3000 to Bishop Garnett Henning to supplement salaries of pastors and presiding elders whose incomes had been decimated by the affects of Hurricane Katrina.

My next visit to the Gulf region will be Monday, September 26 through Friday September 30.

Dr. George Flowers
Executive Director
Department of Global Witness and Ministry


Dr. Jerome V. Harris, Executive Director of the AMEC Department of Annuity Investment and Insurance has arranged with the annuity investment vendors, Symetra Insurance Company and American Express, to process requests for "Hardship" annuity withdrawals on an EXPEDITED basis for those participants affected by Hurricane Katrina.

All participants assigned to the Eighth (Mississippi and Louisiana), Ninth (Alabama) and Eleventh (Florida) Episcopal Districts are eligible for expedited hardship annuity withdrawals. In an effort to provide more immediate financial assistance to persons in these devastated areas, expedited payments can now be made and received in as soon as 24 hours, depending on the mode of distribution, i.e. Direct Bank Transfer, US Mail, etc. The normal withdrawal process usually requires approximately 3 - 4 weeks, so our pastors and their families are blessed, in this time of difficulty, with the expedited arrangement.

Participants desiring to avail themselves to this process should contact the AMEC Department of Annuity Investment and Insurance directly at (901) 527-2006 or by Email at amec_des@bellsouth.com

Dr. Jerome V. Harris
Executive Director
AMEC Department of Annuity Investment and Insurance


Dr. Richard Lewis, Treasurer announced at the Strategic Planning Meeting that more than over $500,000 has be collected for Katrina.


The next issue of the Christian recorder will feature a more in-depth article on the work of the Strategic Planning Meeting that was held in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday and Tuesday.

I wish that every member and every pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church could have been there while the work groups were grappling with the issues of the Church as they addressed diversity, spiritual growth, leadership and management, issues of Christian character, education and economic growth. The facilitators, Mrs. Carlita CMJ Perkins and her husband, Mr. Charles Perkins were awesome facilitators who know their craft.

As I observed the groups wrestle with the issues and their attempts to provide solutions, I could not help but reflect upon some of the negativity that is sometimes expressed by a few clergy and a few laity and the current Chrysler Commercial with Lee Iacocca came to my mind, where the punch line is, “If you can find a better car, buy it!” Observing the Strategic Planning Meeting work groups, I thought about those who complain about our Zion, “If you can find a church, better than the AME Church, join it!”


Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram - cadeira, Commission em publicações
O Dr. Johnny Barbour de Reverend, Jr., Publisher
O Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III de Reverend, Editor


- Um tributo do Dr. Dickerson em nome do general Oficial da igreja de AME

Em nome do general ativo, anterior, e aposentado Oficial, nós estendemos nossos sympathies mais profundos à família de McKinney. Mesmo na aposentadoria, a presença do Dr. McKinney permeated o episcopado, os departamentos gerais do oficial e a igreja Episcopal Methodist africana. O Dr. McKinney será faltado.

Dr. Dennis C. Dickerson
Historiographer e diretor executivo
Departamento da pesquisa e do Scholarship

- Um tributo dado ao Dr. Joseph McKinney quando estava vivo pelo Dr. Jamye Coleman Williams

Um tributo ao Dr. atrasado Joseph C. McKinney aparece na introdução de Outubro-Dezembro 2004 da revisão da igreja de A.M.E. sida o autor pelo general aposentado Oficial, Dr. Jamye Coleman Williams.

- Tributo do Dr. Richard Lewis, Treasurer

Em agosto 1972, em New York City, eu fui introduzido a Joseph C. McKinney. Essa primeira reunião deixou uma impressão durável que ampliasse sobre os anos. Era um gigante de um homem. Era um cristão, um marido, um pai, um avô, amigo fiel, churchman, mentor e Methodist africano leal. Eu admirei o e a serra nele os atributos que eu quis em minha vida.

Mais tarde, porque nosso relacionamento desenvolvido, sucedendo o era meu desejo, mas mim descobriu rapidamente que o edifício em cima de sua fundação foi uma tarefa awesome. Era não somente o treasurer, mas era uma legenda viva, historian da igreja e nele, a igreja de AME teve um amigo leal e um líder extremamente competente.

Com sua morte, muitas histórias irã0 untold, mas é um blessing para que eu seja um receptor de algumas daquelas histórias. Muitos de você sabem que “era o homem com a manteiga.”

Joseph Columbo McKinney tocou em muitas vidas em muitas maneiras como um membro da igreja da divisão AME, Washington, C.C.; como um líder da configuração dentro da igreja Episcopal Methodist africana; como o Treasurer da igreja de AME; como um consultante a muitos bishops, oficiais gerais, e para colocar o mais importante líderes e membros durante todo a conexão. Verdadeiramente, minha vida nunca será a mesma por causa do impacto em cima de minha vida pelo Dr. Joseph Columbo McKinney.

O graduado da faculdade com os majores na engenharia elétrica, na física e na matemática transformou-se o treasurer da igreja de AME após ter deixado uma carreira longa e bem sucedida com o governo de Estados Unidos. Supos o trabalho do treasurer com vigor e força. Organizou o escritório de AMEC do Treasurer e influenciou a igreja toda sobre a conexão de Washington, C.C. às Caraíbas e a África do Sul. Forjou muitos trajetos e para aquele eu posso dizer, o “deus é um deus Awesome e ao deus seja o Glory!”

Sua esposa, Maryanne, filho Maurice blessed para tê-lo tido como uma parte de suas vidas.

Como o Treasurer, eu sou blessed para sempre e grato para tê-lo tido como um consultante, um mentor e um amigo leal. Eu compartilho na perda deste “gigante” entre homens e mulheres e estendo meus sympathies heartfelt a esta família beloved, amigos. E, tudo que conheceu Joseph B. McKinney.

Dr. Richard Lewis
Treasurer, AMEC

- Um tributo do Dr. Dickerson

Meu remembrance especial do Dr. Mc Kinney, de que há muitos, era sua presença soothing em 1995 em que apareceu no funeral do meu pai na igreja nova do Bethel A.M.E. de Germantown em Filadélfia. Era uma estadia baixa para minha família, assim que olhar ascendente e ver meu colega sênior fizeram a ocasião mais menos burdensome para meus família e mim. Era um homem completamente decent e Christian.

Dr. Dennis C. Dickerson
Historiographer e diretor executivo
Departamento da pesquisa e do Scholarship

- Uma palavra do editor

- Eu recordo ir perto e o Dr. visitando Joseph McKinney em ocasiões numerosas quando eu fui postado em Washington, C.C. Sua porta foi aberta sempre e eu aprendi muito sobre a igreja e fui imprimido por seus openness e amor para a igreja. Eu recordo afeiçoada, mim acredito que se realizava em 1983, quando minha esposa, Charlotte, estava no seminário; baixo e behold, ela recebeu um stipend na sustentação de sua instrução do seminário. O Dr. McKinney era um homem que prendesse posições elevadas na igreja e quando foi empregado no governo de ESTADOS UNIDOS no entanto era “traga para ligar à terra” e estendeu sua personalidade morna a todos ele met.

Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III
Editor, registrador Christian


Uma semana e sete horas após o furacão Katrina destruíram muitos cidades, cidades, repousos, igrejas, synagogues e mosques; Eu viajei a Jackson, Mississippi com meu irmão, as flores de Reverend Phil como meu excitador e o supervisor do sexto distrito Episcopal, Dr. Pam DeVeaux, um missionário devotado na ação e na demonstração juntou-nos em Atlanta, Geórgia. Somente parando para a gasolina, nós dirigimos a camionete da missão carregada com os productos e as fontes para as vítimas de Katrina. Eu elogio o deus porque nós nos tínhamos ouvido assim que muitas histórias dos desafios e dos esforços das linhas longas e preços elevados da gasolina, mas o como-matéria--fato; nós pagamos menos em três estados do que quando nós originamos em Charleston, Carolina sul. O deus soube que nós estávamos em uma missão!

Em cima de nossa saída do Interstate, nós estávamos esperando ver uma cidade escura, mas a nossa surpresa, havia umas luzes que brilham em cada sentido; enquanto nós viajamos através da cidade, os automóveis estavam movendo-se em ambos os sentidos e alguns povos estavam andando nas ruas. Era óbvio que a cidade teve a falha de poder, construir tem os danos do telhado e havia árvores caídas numerosas causadas pelo furacão.

Nós chegamos na igreja da rua AME da pérola em Jackson, Mississippi aproximadamente em 4:50 A.m., oito horas mais adiantado do que nós esperamos. Muitas das pessoas no abrigo estavam adormecidas, mas nós fomos dados uma boa vinda grande e embraced calorosamente por muitos dos trabalhadores e dos residentes. O Bishop Henning, parques do supervisor e o sister-in-law do bishop, Sra. J.P. Henning e sua equipe era feliz ver-nos.

Em cima de nossa chegada, o Dr. Pam DeVeaux, o supervisor Episcopal do sexto distrito Episcopal, que nos acompanhou, nunca fechou-a os olhos até que se aposentou muito tarde na noite.

A dor, interesse, e o burden nas caras dos parques do Bishop e do supervisor era visível, mas mantiveram-se focalizado - encontrando-se com as necessidades diárias do centro do comando da rua da pérola e fazendo e recebendo chamadas de outros centros em outras áreas. Nós tentamos graciously ajudar e coordenar a shipments inbound e outbound das fontes.

- O escritório de GWM é grato ao Bishop C. Garnett Henning que liberou seu quarto ao Dr. Pam DeVeaux - não havia nenhum quarto do hotel dentro de um raio de 50 milhas de Jackson.

- De Reverend o Chapman fraca, um school-mate do seminário, desde que quartos dormir para meu irmão e mim no repouso de um de seus ministros aspiring - era justo como um hotel!

- Eu não sou certo do número exato das famílias residentes que vivem no abrigo.

- As pessoas que vivem no abrigo foram transportadas diariamente às facilidades 25-30 minutos afastado que lhes forneceu uma oportunidade de fazer exame de chuveiros e tender a sua higiene pessoal.

- Eu observei muito AMEs que trabalha na operação do disastre, e em vários abrigos nessa área.

- Eu observei 18 - wheelers, 24 caminhões da caixa do pé, camionetes da igreja, caminhões grandes do pick-up, mini-buses; chegar à área de todas as regiões dos Estados Unidos; às vezes unannounced, trazendo: os productos, as fontes da escola, os artigos da casa, o alimento non-perishable, a roupa e as sapatas, o furniture, e a lista são inexhaustible.

- As fontes tiveram que ser off-loaded dos caminhões inbound e ser recarregadas a outros caminhões que seriam desdobrados às várias áreas de disastre. O Bishop Henning, parques do supervisor, estudantes de um seminário em Illinois e pastors teamed junto para fazer transferência das fontes acontecer.

- Um combóio de caminhões da caixa do pé two-24 e de um wheeler 18 com equitação do Bishop Henning como um passageiro, um mini-bus e uma camionete convoyed de Jackson Mississippi. O 24 - os caminhões do pé descarregaram seus bens em um centro em Hattiesburg, Mississippido comando da igreja. Bishop Henning ajudado offload os caminhões. O wheeler 18 e a outra equipe foram a uma escola elementar em Gulfport, Mississippi que serviu enquanto o centro preliminar do comando de AME para essa região.

- Nós fomos encontrados com pelo diretor da conferência do YPD, Sra. Watt e um anfitrião de AMEs e grupo grande dos cadets militares de ROTC que empowered para ajudar descarregar o wheeler 18 grande.

- Era uma vista tremenda para behold… “homens e mulheres, meninos e meninas, raças diferentes, denominações e para povoar os grupos étnicos que trabalham junto

- Duas igrejas de AME, entre um número outras de igrejas na área de Gulfport, sustentaram a água principal, o vento, e os danos estruturais - nós tivemos a oportunidade de excursionar aquelas facilidades e ministro da igreja aos pastors e aos membros do congregation.

- Três refeições quentes foram preparadas e serviram a cada dia por parishioners da igreja para as pessoas que vivem na organização grande do abrigo da igreja da rua AME da pérola….

- A igreja da rua AME da pérola (Pastor Samuel Boyd) usou cada espaço disponível armazenar os vários artigos para as vítimas da tempestade, para incluir um edifício rental através da rua da igreja.

- Uma igreja mais grande de Allen AME, Jackson, Mississippi (de Reverend Chapman fraca) forneceu serviços, bens e productos às vítimas em uma outra área de Jackson

- O Bishop Henning e os parques do supervisor eram escritórios fornecidos na igreja da rua AME da pérola.

- O departamento números de telefone global da testemunha e do Ministry: (843) 852-2645 ou (866) 211-9934.

- Vítimas afetadas por Furacão Katrina podem receber concessões do dinheiro estão sendo oferecidas às vítimas da costa do golfo pela organização, “relevo direto internacional,” o telefone (805) 964-4767, Attn: Ms Christienne Durbin.

- Os pacotes de cuidado pessoais, isto é, artigos dos arti'culos de tocador para a mulher estão sendo fornecidos “pelo relevo direto internacional” ao móbil, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi; e Rouge de Baton, Louisiana.

- Muitos igrejas e/ou congregations coordenaram artigos do relevo de Katrina do furacão com o departamento de GWM:

Igreja de DuPage AME
DuPage, Illinois
Dois - 24 caminhões da caixa do pé

Ebenezer AME
Evanston, Illinois
Duas camionetes da igreja

Testemunha & Ministry globais
Charleston, Carolina sul
Uma camionete da missão

AME metropolitano
Washington, C.C.
Uns plano da carga e wheeler um - 18

Uns wheeler 18

Mulheres do Destiny
McCormick, Carolina sul
Duas camionetes

ChapelAME de Campbell
Bluffton, Carolina sul
Uma camionete e um wheeler 18

Saint Matthew AME
Filadélfia, Pensilvânia
Um wheeler 18

Chapel de Williams
Forsyth, Geórgia
Um wheeler 18

Ebenezer AME
Charleston, Carolina sul
Cinco camionetes

Alfaiate de Sue Nichols
New York
Equipes de trabalhadores sociais às áreas afetadas

Igreja de Wayman AME

High School de McCormick
McCormick, Carolina sul
Uma camionete
Ashdown AME
Ashdown, Arkansas
Fontes de FedEx

O diretor executivo, GWM, Dr. George Flor apresentou uma verificação de $3000 ao Bishop Garnett Henning aos salários do suplemento dos pastors e presiding as pessoas idosas cujas as rendas tinham sido dizimadas pelo afeta do furacão Katrina.

Minha visita seguinte à região do golfo será segunda-feira, setembro 26 com sexta-feira setembro 30.

Dr. George Flor
Diretor executivo
Departamento da testemunha e do Ministry globais


O Dr. Jerome V. Harris, diretor executivo do departamento de AMEC do investimento e do seguro do Annuity arranjou com os vendedores do investimento do annuity, o Symetra Seguro Companhia e o americano expresso, para processar pedidos para retiradas do annuity do “Hardship” em uma base EXPEDIDA para aqueles participants afetados por Furacão Katrina.

Todos os participants atribuídos aos oitavos (Mississippi e Louisiana), nonos (Alabama) e décimos primeiros (Florida) distritos Episcopal são elegíveis para retiradas expedidas do annuity do hardship. Em um esforço fornecer um auxílio financeiro mais imediato às pessoas nestas áreas devastated, os pagamentos expedidos podem agora ser feitos e recebido dentro assim que 24 horas, dependendo da modalidade da distribuição, isto é transferência de banco direta, correio dos E.U., etc. O processo normal da retirada requer geralmente aproximadamente 3 - 4 semanas, assim que nossos pastors e suas famílias blessed, nesta época da dificuldade, com o arranjo expedido.

Participants que desejam aproveitar-se da este processo devem contatar o departamento de AMEC do investimento e do seguro do Annuity diretamente (901) em 527-2006 ou pelo email em amec_des@bellsouth.com

Dr. Jerome V. Harris
Diretor executivo
Departamento de AMEC do investimento e do seguro do Annuity


Dr. Richard Lewis, Treasurer anunciado na reunião de planeamento estratégico que mais do que sobre $500.000 tem ser coletado para Katrina.


A introdução seguinte do registrador Christian caracterizará um artigo mais in-depth no trabalho da reunião do planeamento estratégico que foi realizada em Nashville, Tennessee em segunda-feira e em terça-feira.

Eu desejo que cada membro e cada pastor da igreja Episcopal Methodist africana poderiam ter estado lá quando os grupos de trabalho grappling com as introduções da igreja enquanto se dirigiram à diversidade, crescimento espiritual, liderança e gerência, introduções do caráter Christian, instrução e crescimento econômico. Os facilitators, a Sra. Carlita CMJ Perkins e seu marido, Sr. Charles Perkins eram os facilitators awesome que sabem seu ofício.

Como eu observei os grupos wrestle com as edições e suas tentativas fornecer soluções, eu não poderia ajudar mas para refletir em cima de algum do negativity que é expressado às vezes por alguns clergy e algum o laity e o comercial atual de Chrysler com Lee Iacocca vieram a minha mente, onde a linha do perfurador é, “se você puder encontrar um carro melhor, compre-o!” Observando os grupos de trabalho da reunião de planeamento estratégico, eu pensei sobre aqueles que se queixam sobre nosso Zion, “se você pudesse encontrar uma igreja, melhorasse do que a igreja de AME, a junto!”



Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram - Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, Editor


Dr. Jerome V. Harris, Executive Director of the AMEC Department of Annuity Investment and Insurance has arranged with the annuity investment vendors, Symetra Insurance Company and American Express, to process requests for "Hardship" annuity withdrawals on an EXPEDITED basis for those participants affected by Hurricane Katrina.

All participants assigned to the Eighth (Mississippi and Louisiana), Ninth (Alabama) and Eleventh (Florida) Episcopal Districts are eligible for expedited hardship annuity withdrawals. In an effort to provide more immediate financial assistance to persons in these devastated areas, expedited payments can now be made and received in as soon as 24 hours, depending on the mode of distribution, i.e. Direct Bank Transfer, US Mail, etc. The normal withdrawal process usually requires approximately 3 - 4 weeks, so our pastors and their families are blessed, in this time of difficulty, with the expedited arrangement.

Participants desiring to avail themselves to this process should contact the AMEC Department of Annuity Investment and Insurance directly at (901) 527-2006 or by Email at amec_des@bellsouth.com

Dr. Jerome V. Harris
Executive Director
AMEC Department of Annuity Investment and Insurance


JACKSONVILLE, Florida – Edward Waters College (EWC) officials received word today from the Commission on Colleges for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools that EWC retains its accreditation. The Commission voted today to reinstate the College’s accreditation and work with the institution during the next 12 months towards the mutual goal of delivering quality education to deserving students.

“This is a great day for the students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters of EWC. The minds and futures of our students are the reasons that we have been fighting,” stated Dr. Oswald P. Bronson, Sr., the college’s president. “We thank God for this victory and we will continue to push towards excellence and ethics, not only at the institution but throughout the college community and the business community.”

Bishop McKinley Young, chair of the EWC Board of Trustees, stated, “We welcome the partnership with our accreditor over the next several months as we work to perfect, improve and enhance a stronger EWC while providing quality education for our students and our constituents. The ongoing relationship with the Commission will allow us to achieve excellence with our faculty, staff and students.”

In addition, Bishop Young stated that the Board has appointed Dr. Bronson to serve as the College’s 27th president effective immediately. “We are pleased that Dr. Bronson has agreed to head the College for the next two years as we continue our search for a president. Dr. Bronson, who served Bethune-Cookman College for 29 years, brings with him integrity coupled with leadership and a wealth of knowledge and experience that can move EWC to the next level. He is known worldwide as a competent leader and a role model for many other presidents to emulate.”
The Search Committee for the President has been formed and is chaired by Dr. James Leander Byrd, member of the Board of Trustees.

In a separate joint press release with the College and SACS, it was announced that the issues that led the Commission to vote to remove the College from membership as an accredited institution, and that led the College to file a lawsuit to preserve its membership, have been resolved. The Commission and the College are jointly petitioning the court to dismiss the lawsuit.

The joint press release further states that the Commission has determined that the College has sufficiently addressed the specific issues in the Principles of Accreditation that led the Commission to vote to remove the College from membership; thus, the Commission has reinstated the College’s accreditation, subject, of course, to the Principles of Accreditation applicable to all accredited institutions.

“We regret the errors that occurred but we move forward with confidence,” said Bishop Young. “During the next two years, EWC is going to work hard to maintain and improve on its history of excellence and ethics, and to attract the best possible faculty and leadership for the school.”

Edward Waters College was established in 1866 to educate the descendants of African Americans, newly emancipated from slavery. Today, its enrollment continues to be substantially African-American students from the Southeast and Northeast regions of the United States, while also welcoming students from all racial and ethnic groups within the United States and abroad. The College is a private, four-year, liberal arts, coeducational, residential institution, committed to Christian principles, which emphasize high moral and spiritual values, because of its close affiliation with, and support from, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate degrees. The College offers these degrees in the arts and sciences and other career-based professional fields.

For more information contact: Phyllis Bell-Davis, Director Phone: 904-470-8251
Communication & Marketing pbelldavis@ewc.edu


- News Story about the Reverend John J. Hunter and FAME, Los Angeles

“The Rev. John J. Hunter ascended the pulpit of First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles last Sunday and threw open a sanctuary transformed. The church, housing the city's oldest black congregation, is gleaming with new pews and paint, fresh carpet and a gold-edged inscription of its motto, ‘First to Serve.’”

The complete article can be viewed at:


Visit latimes.com at http://www.latimes.com

- The Reverend Tony Lee guest speaker at Howard University Chapel

The Reverend Tony Lee is minister to young adults at the Ebenezer A.M.E. Church in Fort Washington, Maryland and one of the founders of the Hip Hop Caucus, a nationwide association among the hip-hop society that promotes activism through communal, political, and youth leadership organizations.


Summerville, SC - Monday September 19th at 8:30 a.m., Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, the presiding prelate of the African Methodist Episcopal Churches throughout South Carolina, held a gathering for several of Berkeley County's elected and appointed officials. With hundreds of AME clergy and delegates convening in Summerville this week for their 2005 South Carolina Annual Conference, Bishop Williams held this political meeting at St. James AME Church at 1831 Jedburg Rd which will serve as the center of the AME conference. The Honorable W. H. Alston who is the Mayor of Charleston County, Jim Rozier who is the Berkeley County Supervisor and Chairman of the County Council, Caldwell Pinckney, Jr. who is a member of the Berkeley County Council for District 7, Wayne Dewitt who is the Sheriff of Berkeley County and Frances Taylor who is Commissioner of Voter Registration for Berkeley County all attended.

Bishop Williams welcomed his guests stating, "I am a community based person and so how can the AME Church help things to go more smoothly in Berkeley County and its surrounding communities?" Councilman Pinckney responded by citing the challenges involved with mobilizing the African-American voter base as well as the importance of tackling Berkeley County's unemployment rate. Bishop Williams offered that the AME church should be used as a liaison between local government and the larger community it serves. Pastors can become conduits in getting messages from elected officials directly to the people. In fact, Bishop Williams asserted that, "The church is the glue that holds the community together."

Chairman Rozier spoke of the County's positive efforts in developing water and sewer lines as well as stimulating new housing developments. He touched on the three trips per year he makes to Washington DC to lobby for funds and services for Berkeley County, which over the past four years have produced millions of dollars and thousands of jobs for local Summerville communities.

Bishop Williams then asked Sheriff Dewitt for assistance in tackling the issue of equity in the prison system. He asserted that African-Americans are incarcerated at disproportionately high levels while black businesses are represented at conversely low levels. The Bishop lobbied for Sheriff Dewitt's aid in opening doors for black owned businesses such as vendors who work with the penal system. He argued in that there are multi-million dollar contracts awarded to various jail related businesses if African-Americans are going to fill jail houses at disproportionately high levels then black businesses should be allowed to work with those jailhouses at equally high levels. He pointed out that although this would not rectify the problem of African-American incarceration it would at least lessen the degree of one-sided victimization.

Bishop Williams then verbalized the need for all tri-county officials to ally themselves for the betterment of the people they serve, particularly citing the need for African-American leaders to unify to assist each other in identifying challenges and solutions to problems that are at times specific to the black community. He clarified that, "We must bring enough of the past into the present so that the younger generation is aware of where they have come from so they will know where they are going."

Finally, Bishop Williams issued a general challenge to all of his official guests. He firmly stated, "We must do better! Part of my job is to hold people, especially elected officials, responsible and accountable. I must continually challenge Council Members, Mayors, Governors and Senators to address the problems of the people and to find solutions.

Bishop Preston Warren Williams II is the Presiding Prelate of the Seventh Episcopal District of the AME Church.


West Coast Conference (65th Session)
October 15-21, 2005

Host Site: New Bethel A.M.E. Church
2122 M. L. King Jr. Avenue
Lakeland, FL 33805

Telephone (863) 687-1994

Host Pastor: The Rev. Jimmy Thompson
Host Presiding Elder: The Rev. F. B. Lemon
October 15 Young People’s Division (YPD)
October 16 Debutante Masters Commission (DMC)
October 17 Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)
October 18-21 Annual Conference Convenes - Opening - Business - Closing


37b“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. 39aBy this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. (John 7:37b-39a)

As we yield to the presence of the Holy Spirit who operates in and through us, we become vessels through whom God pours life into those who thirst for what only God can provide in their lives. This is God’s provision in the life of the believer to draw humankind to the throne of mercy. Are we prepared to allow God to pour His blessings through us?

Jesus said, “Rivers of living water will flow from within” those, “who believe in [Him] as the Scripture has said.” Jesus was speaking of the flow of the Holy Spirit through the life of the believer. Acts 1:4-5 & 7-8 tells us that the power to serve is placed in us as we are baptized with the Holy Spirit (v. 5). The power to be effective witnesses is the power of the Holy Spirit operating in us (v.8).

Jesus operated in the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:37-38). The Holy Spirit baptized Him immediately after He was baptized with water (Matthew 3:16-17). God the Father baptized God the Son, in God the Holy Spirit and power. Then Jesus “went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) If Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit, (Acts 10:39-44) so must we be baptized in the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses for Christ.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is like placing an open pipe in a body of water. To be baptized is not only to be surrounded by the medium, but also to be filled by the medium in which we are immersed. As the pipe is open on both ends, the water surrounds the pipe and also flows through the pipe.

God desires to fill us with His Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13) because the power to be the church of Jesus Christ, carrying out the mission of spreading the gospel, and building the kingdom of God is the result of the flow of the Holy Spirit from within us. The product (John 4:13-14) of the Holy Spirit’s operation in our lives is eternal life. The flow of the Spirit from within us produces the following results:

1. Acts 2:14-40 – Boldness in speaking the gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter stood up and raised his voice and addressed the crowd on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14). He shared with them the Scriptures that pointed to Jesus’ coming (Acts 2:22-35), told how “God has made this Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36),” and “With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. (Acts 2:40)’”

2. Acts 2:41 – Souls accept the message of the gospel. The Church of Jesus Christ grows. The kingdom of God is expanded as people receive Christ as Savior and are taken into the “Body of Christ” - the church.

3. Acts 4:32 – There is extravagant love for Christ. Our love for Christ generates extravagant commitment to Jesus Christ (Mark 14:3-4). Christ becomes the priority in our lives. Mary of Bethany ignored the rules of the world’s economy, choosing instead to anoint Christ with costly perfume in preparation for His burial. She chose to do that which was most pleasing to Him.

4. II Samuel 23:13-17 – We pour out our blessings. We offer back to God those blessings God has brought into our lives. Our blessings must be poured out and sanctified before God, just as David poured out his blessing of water from the well outside Bethlehem. Our blessings must flow or they can be corrupted and corrupt us. If we hoard our blessings, they can produce lust – a love for the gift and not the giver. This can also produce bitterness – the result of all inflow and no outflow, like the Dead Sea.

Allowing the Holy Spirit, the power, and the blessing of God to flow through us into the lives of others is (Leviticus 23:10-14) reflective of the joy of our relationship with God. Our lives mirror (John 3:16-17) God’s example of “Life-giving Living.” God spilt the blood of His Son, Jesus so the world might be saved. Are we prepared to spill out our lives for Him? Are we prepared to allow God to pour His blessings through us? Are we ready to demonstrate LIFE-GIVING LIVING?

Pastor James M. Moody, Sr. Quinn Chapel AME Church, ChicagoWebsite: www.quinnchicago.org


Mr. Robert McKenzie, of Miami, Florida, brother of 13th Episcopal District Supervisor Stan McKenzie: Arrangements:


Saturday, September 24, 2005
1:00 PM
Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church
18200 NW 22nd Ave
Miami, Florida, 33055
305-474-8118 (Phone)
305-474-8168 (Fax)

Family Visitation:
Friday, September 23, 2005
6:00 PM
Grace Funeral Home
770 NW 119th St
Miami, Fl 33167

305-688-6388 (Phone)
305-688-6885 (Fax)

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that any donations be sent to Believe Inc. a 501 (c) 3 organization:

Send To:

The Thirteenth Episcopal District, AME Church Administrative Office
500 8th Avenue, South, Suite 201
Nashville, TN 37203.

To the Connection:

Thank you for your calls, concern, and love shown our family.
From: Supervisor Stan McKenzie

Condolences may be sent to:

Thirteenth Episcopal District AME Church Administrative Office
500 8th Avenue, South, Suite 201
Nashville, TN 37203

615-242-6814 (Phone)
615-242-2496 (FAX)
Email: 13th_episcopal@bellsouth.net


1012 Beech Tree Lane
Brentwood, TN 37027
615-833-1444 (Phone)
Email: StanMcKenzie44@aol.com

Please remember Episcopal Supervisor Stan McKenzie, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie and the family in your prayers.


Home going Celebration of love for the mother of Reverend Danny Roy Poe

Sister Elizabeth Carr Poe went home to be with the Lord On Friday, September 16, 2005.
Her remains are entrusted with:

Pendergrass - People Mortuary1
09 west First Street
Smithville, Texas 78957

Her services will be held onSaturday, September 24, 2005
12 noon
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church
400 walker Street
Smithville, Texas 78957


Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, Chair
Commission on Social Action Clergy Family Information Center

Mrs. Ora L. Easley - Administrator Email: Amespouses1@aol.com
(Nashville, Tennessee Contact) Phone: (615) 837-9736 Fax: (615) 833-3781
(Memphis, Tennessee Contact) (901) 578-4554 (Phone & Fax)

Please remember these families in your prayers.


The Chair of the Commission on Publications, the Right Reverend Gregory G. M. Ingram; the Publisher, the Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour and the Editor of the Christian Recorder, the Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III offer our condolences and prayers to those who have lost loved ones. We pray that the peace of Christ will be with you during this time of your bereavement.


Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram - cadeira, Commission em publicações
O Dr. Johnny Barbour de Reverend, Jr., Publisher
O Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III de Reverend, Editor


O Dr. Jerome V. Harris, diretor executivo do departamento de AMEC do investimento e do seguro do Annuity arranjou com os vendedores do investimento do annuity, o Symetra Seguro Companhia e o americano expresso, para processar pedidos para retiradas do annuity do “Hardship” em uma base EXPEDIDA para aqueles participants afetados por Furacão Katrina.

Todos os participants atribuídos aos oitavos (Mississippi eLouisiana), nonos (Alabama) e décimos primeiros (Florida) distritos Episcopal são elegíveis para retiradas expedidas do annuity do hardship. Em um esforço fornecer um auxílio financeiro mais imediato às pessoas nestas áreas devastated, os pagamentos expedidos podem agora ser feitos e recebido dentro assim que 24 horas, dependendo da modalidade da distribuição, isto é transferência de banco direta, correio dos E.U., etc. O processo normal da retirada requer geralmente aproximadamente 3 - 4 semanas, assim que nossos pastors e suas famílias blessed, nesta época da dificuldade, com o arranjo expedido.

Participants que desejam aproveitar-se da este processo devem contatar o departamento de AMEC do investimento e do seguro do Annuity diretamente (901) em 527-2006 ou pelo email em

Dr. Jerome V. Harris
Diretor executivo
Departamento de AMEC do investimento e do seguro do Annuity


JACKSONVILLE, Florida - Edward molha a palavra recebida oficiais da faculdade (EWC) hoje do Commission em faculdades para a associação do sul das faculdades e das escolas que EWC retem seu accreditation. O Commission votou hoje para restabelecer o accreditation e o trabalho da faculdade com a instituição durante os 12 meses seguintes para o objetivo mútuo de entregar a instrução da qualidade a merecer estudantes.

“Este é um dia grande para os estudantes, a faculdade, a equipe de funcionários, os alunos e os supporters de EWC. As mentes e os futuros de nossos estudantes são as razões que nós temos lutado,” Dr. indicado Oswald P. Bronson, Sr., o presidente da faculdade. “Nós agradecemos o deus para esta vitória e nós continuaremos a empurrar para o excellence e as éticas, não somente na instituição mas durante todo a comunidade da faculdade e a comunidade de negócio.”

Bishop McKinley Novo, cadeira da placa de EWC de Trustees, indicada, “nós damos boas-vindas à parceria com nosso accreditor sobre diversos meses seguintes enquanto nós trabalhamos para aperfeiçoar, melhoramos e realçamos um EWC mais forte ao fornecer a instrução da qualidade para nossos estudantes e nossos constituents. O relacionamento ongoing com o Commission permitirá que nós consigam o excellence com nossos faculdade, equipe de funcionários e estudantes.”

Além, o Bishop Novo indicou que a placa tem apontado o Dr. Bronson para o saque como presidente da faculdade o 27o eficaz imediatamente. “Nós somos pleased que o Dr. Bronson concordou dirigir a faculdade por os dois anos seguintes enquanto nós continuamos nossa busca para um presidente. O Dr. Bronson, que serviuà faculdade de Bethune-Cookman por 29 anos, traz com ele a integridade acoplado com liderança e uma riqueza do conhecimento e da experiência que possa mover EWC para o nível seguinte. É sabido worldwide como um líder competente e um modelo do papel para que muitos outros presidentes emulem.”
O comitê da busca para o presidente foi dado forma e chaired pelo Dr. James Leander Byrd, membro da placa de Trustees.

Em uma liberação de imprensa comum separada com a faculdade e os SACS, anunciou-se que as edições isso conduziram ao Commission votar para remover a faculdade da sociedade como uma instituição acreditada, e aquela conduziu à faculdade para arquivar um lawsuit para preservar sua sociedade, estêve resolvida. O Commission e a faculdade estão peticionando conjuntamente a corte para demitir o lawsuit.

A liberação de imprensa comum promove os estados que o Commission determinou que a faculdade se dirigiu suficientemente às edições específicas nos princípios do Accreditation que aquela conduziu ao Commission votar para remover a faculdade da sociedade; assim, o Commission restabeleceu o accreditation da faculdade, assunto, naturalmente, aos princípios do Accreditation aplicáveis a todas as instituições acreditadas.

“Nós lamentamos os erros que ocorreram mas nós movemo-nos para a frente com confiança,” disse o Bishop Novo. “Durante os dois anos seguintes, EWC está indo trabalhar duramente para manter e melhorar em seu history do excellence e das éticas, e para atrair a faculdade e a liderança melhores possível para a escola.”

A faculdade das águas de Edward foi estabelecida em 1866 para educar os descendentes de americanos africanos, emancipated recentemente do slavery. Hoje, seu registro continua a ser estudantes substancialmente Africano-Americanos do sudeste e das regiões do nordestedos Estados Unidos, ao também dar boas-vindas a estudantes de todos os grupos raciais e étnicos dentrodos Estados Unidos e no exterior. A faculdade é umas artes confidenciais, four-year, liberais, instituição coeducational, residential, cometida aos princípios Christian, que emfatize valores altamente morais e espirituais, por causa de sua afiliação próxima com, e os suporte de, a igreja Episcopal Methodist africana. A faculdade é acreditada pelo Commission em faculdades da associação do sul das faculdades e das escolas para conceder graus do baccalaureate. A faculdade oferece estes graus nas artes e nas ciências e outros campos profissionais carreira-baseados.

Para mais contato da informação: Phyllis Sino-Davis, diretor Telefone: 904-470-8251
Pbelldavis@ewc.edu de uma comunicação & introduzir no mercado


- História da notícia sobre o caçador de Reverend John J. e a FAMA, Los Angeles

“O caçador do Rev. John J. ascended o pulpit da primeira igreja Episcopal Methodist africanaem Los Angeles último domingo e jogou aberto um sanctuary transformado. A igreja, abrigando o congregation preto o mais velho da cidade, está brilhando com pews e pintura nova, tapete fresco e um inscription ouro-afiado de seu motto, “primeiramente para servir. ” “

O artigo completo pode ser visto em:


Visita latimes.com em http://www.latimes.com

- O altofalante Tony do convidado dos Lee de Reverendno Chapel da universidade de Howard

Os Lee Tony de Reverend são ministro aos adultos novosna igreja de Ebenezer A.M.E. no Fort Washington, Maryland e um dos founders do Caucus do Hop do Hip, de uma associação de âmbito nacional entre a sociedade do hip-hop que promove o activism com communal, político, e de organizações da liderança da juventude.


Summerville, SC - segunda-feira setembro 19o em 8:30 A.m., Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, prelate presiding das igrejas Episcopal Methodist africanas durante todoCarolina sul, prendeu um recolhimento para diversosdo condado de Berkeley eleito e apontou oficiais. Com centenas do clergy e dos delegados de AME que reunem-se em Summerville esta semana para sua conferência anual sul de 2005 Carolina, o Bishop Williams realizou esta reunião política na igreja do St. James AME em Jedburg 1831 Rd que servirá como o centro da conferência de AME. O W. honorável H. Alston que é o Mayor do condado de Charleston, Jim Rozier que é o supervisor do condado de Berkeley e o presidente do conselho de condado, Caldwell Pinckney, o Jr. que é um membro do conselho de condado de Berkeley para o distrito 7, Wayne Dewitt que é o Sheriff do condado de Berkeley e do alfaiate de Frances que é comissário do registo do eleitor para o condado de Berkeley atendeu toda.

O Bishop Williams deu boas-vindas a seus convidados que indicam, “eu sou uma pessoa baseada comunidade e assim como podemas coisas da ajuda da igreja de AME ir mais lisamenteno condado de Berkeley e em suas comunidades circunvizinhas?” O Councilman Pinckney respondeu citing os desafios envolvidos com mobilizing a base Africano-Americana do eleitor as well as a importância de tackling a taxa de desemprego do condado de Berkeley. O Bishop Williams ofereceu que a igreja de AME deve ser usada como uma ligação entre o governo local e a comunidade que maior serve. Os Pastors podem transformar-se canalizações em começar mensagens dos oficiais eleitos diretamente aos povos. No fato, o Bishop Williams afirmou aquele, “a igreja é a colagem que prende a comunidade junto.”

Raio de Rozier do presidente dos esforços positivos do condado em linhas tornando-se da água e do sewer as well as estimular desenvolvimentos da carcaça nova. Tocou nos três desengates por o ano onde fazà C.C. de Washington para lobby para fundos e serviços parao condado de Berkeley, que sobre os quatro anos passados produziram milhões dos dólares e dos milhares dos trabalhos para comunidades locais de Summerville.

O Bishop Williams pediu então a Sheriff Dewitt auxílio em tackling a introdução da equidade no sistema de prisão. Afirmou que os Africano-Americanos incarcerated em níveis desproporcionalmente elevados quando os negócios pretos forem representados em níveis inversamente baixos. O Bishop lobbied para o dae (dispositivo automático de entrada) de Dewitt do Sheriff em portas da abertura para negócios possuídos pretos tais como os vendedores que trabalham com o sistema penal. Discutiu no esse lá é contratos do dólar do multi-million concedidos aos negócios relacionados vária cadeia se os Africano-Americanos fossem encher casas da cadeia em níveis desproporcionalmente elevados os negócios pretos devem são permitidos então que trabalhar com aqueles jailhouses em níveis ingualmente elevados. Indicou que embora este não retificasse o problema do incarceration Africano-Americano diminuiria pelo menos o grau de victimization simples.

O Bishop Williams verbalized então a necessidade para todos os oficiais do tri-condado aliar-se para o betterment dos povos que servem, particularmente citing a necessidade para líderes Africano-Americanos unify para ajudar-se a em identificar desafios e soluções aos problemas que são às vezes específico à comunidade preta. Esclareceu aquele, “nós deve trazer bastantes do passado no presente de modo que a geração mais nova estivesse ciente de onde vieram assim que saberão aonde estão indo.”

Finalmente, o Bishop Williams emitiu um desafio geral a todos seus convidados oficiais. Indicou firmemente, “nós devemos fazer mais melhor! A parte de meu trabalho é prender os povos, eleitos especial oficiais, responsável e accountable. Eu devo continuamente desafiar membros de conselho, Mayors, reguladores e Senators dirigir-se aos problemas dos povos e encontrar soluções.

O Bishop Preston Warren Williams II é o Prelate Presiding do sétimo distrito Episcopalda igreja de AME.


Conferência ocidental da costa (65th sessão)
Outubro 15-21, 2005

Local do anfitrião: Igrejanova do Bethel A.M.E.
Rei Jr. Avenida de 2122 M.L.
Lakeland, FL 33805

Telefone (863) 687-1994

Pastor do anfitrião: O Jimmy Thompson do Rev.
Pessoa idosa Presiding do anfitrião: A limão do Rev. F.B.
Outubro 15 Divisão de pessoa novo (YPD)
Outubro 16 O Debutante domina o Commission (DMC)
Outubro 17 Sociedade do missionário das mulheres (WMS)
Outubro 18-21 A conferência anual reune - abertura - o negócio - fechando-se


37b “se qualquer um for thirsty, o deixar me vir e beber. 38Whoever acredita em mim, porque o Scripture disse, córregos de água viva fluirá dentro dele. 39aBy isto significou o espírito, quem aqueles que acreditaram nele estavam mais atrasados receber. (John 7:37 b-39a)

Enquanto nós rendemos à presença do espírito Holy em que se opera e através de nós, nós transformamo-nos as embarcações através de quem o deus derrama a vida naquelas que thirst para o que somente o deus pode fornecer em suas vidas. Esta é provisão do deus na vida do believer extrair o humankind ao throne da mercê. Nós somos preparados para permitir que o deus derrame seus blessings através de nós?

Jesus dito, “rios de água viva fluirá dentro” daqueles, “quem acreditam dentro [ele] como o Scripture disse.” Jesus era discurso do fluxo do espírito Holy com a vida do believer. Atos 1:4 - 5 & 7-8 dizem-nos que o poder servir está colocado em nós enquanto nós baptized com o espírito Holy (V. 5). O poder ser testemunhas eficazes é o poder do espírito Holy que opera-se em nós (v.8).

Jesus operou-se no poder do espírito Holy (atos 10:37 - 38). O espírito Holy baptized o imediatamente depois que baptized com água (Matthew 3:16 - 17). O deus o pai baptized o deus o filho, no deus o espírito e o poder Holy. Então Jesus “circundou fazer bom e healing todos que estavam sob o poder do diabo, porque o deus era com ele.” (Atos 10:38) se Jesus baptized no espírito Holy, (atos 10:39 - 44) assim que devemos nós baptized no espírito Holy para ser as testemunhas eficazes para Christ.

O Baptism no espírito Holy é como colocar uma tubulação aberta em um corpo de água. Para baptized é ser cercado não somente pelo meio, mas ser enchido também pelo meio em que nós immersed. Porque a tubulação está aberta em ambas as extremidades, a água cerca a tubulação e corre através também da tubulação.

O deus deseja encher-nos com seu espírito Holy (Luke 11:13) porque o poder ser a igreja de Jesus Christ, realizando a missão de espalhar o gospel, e de construir o reino de deus é o resultado do fluxo do espírito Holy dentro de nós. O produto (John 4:13 - 14) da operação do espírito Holy em nossas vidas é vida eternal. O fluxo do espírito dentro de nós produz os seguintes resultados:

1. Age 2:14 - 40 - Boldness em falar o gospel de Jesus Christ. Peter estêve acima e levantou sua voz e dirigiu-se à multidão no dia de Pentecost (atos 2:14). Compartilhou com eles do Scriptures que apontado a Jesus que vem (atos 2:22 - 35), dito como o “deus fêz este Jesus quem você crucified, senhor e Christ (atos 2:36),” e “com muitas outras palavras que as advertiu; e pleaded com elas, “excepto yourselves desta geração corrupt. (Atos 2:40)” “

2. Atos 2:41 - as almas aceitam a mensagem do gospel. A igreja de Jesus Christ cresce. O reino de deus é expandido enquanto os povos recebem Christ como o Savior e são feitos exame no “corpo de Christ” - a igreja.

3. Atos 4:32 - há um amor extravagant para Christ. Nosso amor para Christ gera o compromisso extravagant a Jesus Christ (marca 14:3 - 4). Christ transforma-se a prioridade em nossas vidas. Mary de Bethany ignorou as réguas da economia de mundo, escolhendo preferivelmente anoint Christ com perfume caro na preparação para seu enterro. Escolheu fazer aquela que era o mais agradável a ele.

4. II Samuel 23:13 - 17 - nós derramamos para fora nossos blessings. Nós oferecemos para trás ao deus aqueles blessings que o deus trouxe em nossas vidas. Nossos blessings devem ser derramados para fora e sanctified antes do deus, apenas como David derramou para fora seu blessing da água do Bethlehem exteriorbom. Nossos blessings devem fluir ou podem corrupted e corrupt nos. Se nós hoard nossos blessings, podem produzir o lust - um amor para o presente e não o giver. Isto pode também produzir o bitterness - o resultado de todo o inflow e de nenhum outflow, comoo mar inoperante.

Permitindo o espírito Holy, o poder, e o blessing do deus correr através de nos nas vidas de outras são (Leviticus 23:10 - 14) reflexivos da alegria de nosso relacionamento com deus. Nossas vidas espelham (John 3:16 - 17) o exemplo do deus de “Vida-dar viver.” O deus derramou o sangue de seu filho, Jesus assim que o mundo pôde ser conservado. Nós somos preparados para derramar para fora nossas vidas para ele? Nós somos preparados para permitir que o deus derrame seus blessings através de nós? Estamos nós prontos para demonstrar a VIDA de LIFE-GIVING?

Pastor James M. Moody, Sr. Igreja do Chapel AME de Quinn, ChicagoWeb site: www.quinnchicago.org


Sr. Robert McKenzie, de Miami, Florida, irmão do 13o supervisor Episcopal Stan McKenzie do distrito: Arranjos:

Sábado, setembro 24, 2005
1:00 PM
Igrejade Baptist mais grande do missionário do amor
18200 avenida do nanowatt 22o
Miami, Florida,33055
305-474-8118 (telefone)
305-474-8168 (Fax)

Família Visitation
Sexta-feira, setembro 23, 2005
6:00 PM
Repouso Funeral do Grace
St de 770 nanowatt 119th
Miami, Fl 33167
305-688-6388 (telefone)
305-688-6885 (Fax)

No lugar das flores, a família pede que todos os donations estejam emitidos para acreditar o Inc. uma organização 501 (c) 3:

Emita a:

Décimo terceiro distrito Episcopal, escritório administrativo da igreja de AME
500 8a avenida, sul, Suite 201
Nashville, TN 37203.

À conexão:

Obrigado para suas chamadas, concirna-o, e ame-o mostrado nossa família.
De: Supervisor Stan McKenzie

Os Condolences podem ser emitidos a:
Escritório administrativoda décima terceira igreja Episcopal do distrito AME
500 8a avenida, sul, Suite 201
Nashville, TN 37203

615-242-6814 (telefone)
615-242-2496 (FAX)
Email: 13th_episcopal@bellsouth.net


Pista 1012 da árvore do Beech
Brentwood, TN 37027
615-833-1444 (telefone)
Email: StanMcKenzie44@aol.com
Recorde por favor o supervisor Episcopal Stan McKenzie, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie e família em seus prayers.

Celebration indo Home do amor para a mãe de Reverend Danny Roy PoeA irmã Elizabeth Carr Poe foi para casa ser com o senhor sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2005Remains entrusted com: Pendergrass - Mortuary dos povosprimeira rua 109 ocidentalSmithville, Texas 78957Serviços será prendida sobreSábado, setembro 24, 2005meio-dia 12Igreja de Baptist do Pilgrim da montagemrua de 400 walkerSmithville, Texas 78957512-360-2777


Celebration indo Home do amor para a mãe de Reverend Danny Roy PoeA irmã Elizabeth Carr Poe foi para casa ser com o senhor em sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2005.Remains entrusted com: Pendergrass - Mortuary dos povosprimeira rua 109 ocidentalSmithville, Texas 78957Serviços será prendida: Sábado, setembro 24, 2005meio-dia 12Igreja de Baptist do Pilgrim da montagemrua de 400 walkerSmithville, Texas 78957512-360-2777Reverend Poe pode ser alcançado Chamando a pilha 806-549-6237Ou 512-237-2703 - Pai homeEmita presentes e cartões a: Estrada de 229 KrchnakSmithville, Texas 78957Por favor sustento Reverend Poe e sua família em seus prayers.


Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry, cadeira
Commissionno centro de informação social da família do Clergy da ação

Sra. Ora L. Easley - email do administrador: Amespouses1@aol.com
(Contatode Nashville, Tennessee) telefone: (615) Fax 837-9736: (615) 833-3781
(Contatode Memphis, Tennessee) (901) 578-4554 (telefone & Fax)

Recorde por favor estas famílias em seus prayers.


A cadeira do Commission em publicações, o Reverend direito Gregory G.M. Ingram; o Publisher, o Dr. Johnny Barbour de Reverend e o editor do registrador Christian, da oferta do Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III de Reverend nossos condolences e prayers àqueles que perderam amaram. Nós pray que a paz de Christ será com você durante esta época de seu bereavement.